Publications of Dr Robert G Harrison
[ Books and Book
Chapters ] [
Peer-Reviewed Papers ] [ Conference Proceedings ]
Books and Book Chapters
R. G. Harrison and D. Yu, "Stimulated
Brillouin Scattering," in Scattering:
Scattering and Inverse Scattering in Pure and Applied Science, R. Pike and P. Sabatier, eds.
(Academic Press, 2001), pp. 958-968.
R. G. Harrison, W. Lu, W. Ditto, L. Pecora, M.
Spano, and S. Vohra, eds., Proceedings
of the 3rd Experimental Chaos Conference (World Scientific, Singapore,
1996), p. 326.
F. T. Arecchi and R. G. Harrison, eds., Selected Papers on Optical Chaos,
Milestone Series (SPIE Opt. Eng. Press, 1994), Vol. MS75, p. 736.
R. G. Harrison and J. S. Uppal, eds., Nonlinear Dynamics and Spatial
Complexity in Optical Systems (SUSSP Publications, Edinburgh, UK,
1993), p. 308.
R. G. Harrison, W. Forysiak, and J. V. Moloney,
"Regular and chaotic dynamics of coherently pumped three level
lasers," in Nonlinear Waves in
Active Media, J. Engelbrecht,
ed. (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1989), p. 133.
R. G. Harrison, W. J. Firth, and I. A. Al-Saidi,
"Instabilities and routes to chaos in passive all-optical resonators
containing molecular gases," in Instabilities
and Chaos in Quantum Optics, F.
T. Arecchi and R. G. Harrison, eds. (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1987), pp.
D. J. Biswas, R. G. Harrison, and I. A. Al-Saidi,
"Experimental observations of single mode laser instabilities in
optically pumped molecular lasers," in Instabilities and Chaos in Quantum Optics, F. T. Arecchi and R. G. Harrison, eds. (Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1987), pp. 109-121.
F. T. Arecchi and R. G. Harrison,
"Introduction," in Instabilities
and Chaos in Quantum Optics, F.
T. Arecchi and R. G. Harrison, eds. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987), pp.
F. T. Arecchi and R. G. Harrison, eds., Instabilities and Chaos in Quantum
Optics, Springer Series in Synergetics (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987),
Vol. 34, p. 253.
R. G. Harrison and P. K. Gupta, "Optically
pumped mid-infrared molecular gas lasers," in Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol. 7: Coherent Sources and
Applications, Part II, K.
Button, ed. (Academic Press, New York, 1983), pp. 43-118.
W. J. Firth and R. G. Harrison, eds., Lasers: Physics, Systems and Techniques
(SUSSP Publications, Edinburgh, UK, 1982), p. 427.
Peer-Reviewed Papers
1. V.I. Kovalev, R.G. Harrison,
N.E. Kotova, Physical mechanism of “Slow light” in stimulated Brillouin
scattering, Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China, 3, 22-32 (2010).
2. V.I. Kovalev, N.E. Kotova, R.G.
Harrison, “Slow light” in stimulated Brillouin scattering: on the influence
of the spectral width of pump radiation on the group index; Reply, Optics
Express, 18, 1791-1793(2010).
3. V.I. Kovalev, N.E. Kotova, R.G.
Harrison, “Slow light” in stimulated Brillouin scattering: on the influence
of the spectral width of pump radiation on the group index, Optics Express,
17, 17317-17323 (2009).
4. V.I.Kovalev, N.E.Kotova, R.G.Harrison, Effect of
acoustic wave inertia and its implication to slow light via stimulated
Brillouin scattering in an extended medium. Optics Express, 17, 2826
5. V.I.Kovalev, R.G.Harrison. A
means for easy and accurate measurement of the stimulated Brillouin
scattering gain coefficient in optical fiber, Optics Letters, 33, (2008),
6. V.I.Kovalev, R.G.Harrison.
Abnormally low threshold gain of stimulated Brillouin scattering in long
optical fiber with feedback. Optics Express, 16, 12272 (2008).
7. V.I.Kovalev, R.G.Harrison,
J.D.Simonotto. On the emergence and collapse of coherent periodic emission
in stochastic stimulated Brilloiun scattering in optical fiber. Physical
Review A, accepted (submitted March 2008).
8. V.I.Kovalev,
Waveguide induced spectral bandwidth enhancement of slow light group index
caused by stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fiber. Laser and
Particle Beams, 26, (319362) (2008).
9. V.I.Kovalev, R.G.Harrison. Theory of the
threshold for feedback-free stimulated Brillouin scattering initiated by
spontaneous scattering in an optical fiber. Laser and Particle Beams, 26,
298 (2008).
10. V.I.Kovalev, R.G.Harrison.
Threshold for stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fiber, Optics
Express, 15, 17625 (2007).
11. V.I.Kovalev, R.G.Harrison. Suppression of
stimulated Brillouin scattering in high-power single frequency fiber
amplifiers, Optics Letters, 31, 161 (2006).
12. V.I.Kovalev, R.G.Harrison, A.M.Scott. 300
W quasi-CW diffraction limited output from a diode pumped Nd:YAG MOPA with
fibre phase conjugate SBS mirror, Optics Letters, 30, 3386 (2005).
13. V.I.Kovalev, R.G.Harrison.
Origin of temporally stable continuous wave Stokes emission in stimulated
Brillouin scattering: evidence of spectral self-phase conjugation, Optics
Letters, 30, 3389 (2005).
14. V.I.Kovalev, R.G.Harrison. Temporally
Stable CW Phase Conjugation via Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Optical
Fibre with Cavity Feedback. Optics Letters, 30, 1375 (2005).
R.G.Harrison. Spectral broadening of continuous-wave monochromatic pump
radiation caused by stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fiber.
Optics Letters, 29, 379 (2004).
V. I. Kovalev and R. G. Harrison, "On the
nature of spectral broadening of SW monochromatic pump radiation caused by
stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fibre," Optics Letters (to
be published).
17. Z. R. Yang, W. Lu, R. G.
Harrison, T. Eftestol, and P. A. Steen, "Heteroscedastic probabilistic
neural network as the predictive classifier of out-of-hospital
defibrillation outcomes," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
(to be published).
18. M. Small, D. J. Yu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Observation of a period doubling bifurcation during onset
of human ventricular fibrillation," International Journal of
Bifurcation and Chaos 13(3), 743-754 (2003).
19. Z. R. Yang and R. G. Harrison,
"An unsupervised probabilistic net for health inequalities
analysis," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 14(1), 46-57 (2003).
20. V. I. Kovalev and R. G.
Harrison, "Waveguide-induced inhomogeneous spectral broadening of
stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fiber," Optics Letters
27(22), 2022-2024 (2002).
21. M. Small, D. J. Yu, J.
Simonotto, R. G. Harrison, N. Grubb, and K. A. A. Fox, "Uncovering
non-linear structure in human ECG recordings," Chaos Solitons &
Fractals 13(8), 1755-1762 (2002).
22. V. I. Kovalev and R. G.
Harrison, "The dynamics of a SBS fibre laser: The nature of periodic
spiking at harmonics of the fundamental oscillation frequency," Optics
Communications 204(1-6), 349-354 (2002).
23. Z. R. Yang and R. G. Harrison,
"Analysing company performance using templates," Intelligent Data
Analysis 6(1), 3-15 (2002).
24. M. Small, D. J. Yu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Surrogate test for pseudoperiodic time series,"
Physical Review Letters 87, 188101 (2001).
25. M. Small, D. J. Yu, R. G.
Harrison, R. Clayton, T. Eftestol, K. Sunde, and P. A. Steen,
"Temporal evolution of nonlinear dynamics in ventricular
arrhythmia," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11(10),
2531-2548 (2001).
26. M. Small, D. J. Yu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Variation in the dominant period during ventricular
fibrillation," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 48(9),
1056-1061 (2001).
27. Z. R. Yang, W. P. Lu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Evolving stacked time series predictors with multiple
window scales and sampling gaps," Neural Processing Letters 13(3),
203-211 (2001).
28. B. J. W. Fleming, D. Yu, R. G.
Harrison, and D. Jubb, "Wavelet-based detection of coherent structures
and self-affinity in financial data," European Physical Journal B
20(4), 543-546 (2001).
29. D. J. Yu, I. Wallace, R. G.
Harrison, and A. Gavrielides, "Low frequency fluctuations and locked
states in a multi-mode semiconductor laser with external cavity,"
Optics Communications 195(1-4), 249-258 (2001).
30. P. Y. Wang, W. P. Lu, D. J. Yu,
and R. G. Harrison, "Excitability and pattern formation in a liquid
crystal Fabry-Perot interferometer," Optics Communications 189(1-3),
127-134 (2001).
31. I. Wallace, D. J. Yu, W. P. Lu,
and R. G. Harrison, "Synchronization of power dropouts in coupled
semiconductor lasers with external feedback," Physical Review A 63,
013809 (2001).
32. V. I. Kovalev, R. G. Harrison,
and A. M. Scott, "The build-up of stimulated Brillouin scattering
excited by pulsed pump radiation in a long optical fibre," Optics
Communications 185(1-3), 185-189 (2000).
33. V. I. Kovalev and R. G.
Harrison, "Reply to "Comment on 'Observation of inhomogeneous
spectral broadening of stimulated Brillouin scattering in an optical
fiber'"," Physical Review Letters 88, 029402 (2002).
34. V. I. Kovalev and R. G.
Harrison, "Observation of inhomogeneous spectral broadening of
stimulated Brillouin scattering in an optical fiber," Physical Review
Letters 85(9), 1879-1882 (2000).
35. I. Wallace, D. J. Yu, R. G.
Harrison, and A. Gavrielides, "Experimental observations of multi-mode
dynamics in an external cavity semiconductor laser," Journal of Optics
B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 2(3), 447-450 (2000).
36. D. J. Yu, M. Small, R. G.
Harrison, and C. Diks, "Efficient implementation of the Gaussian
kernel algorithm in estimating invariants and noise level from noisy time
series data," Physical Review E 61(4), 3750-3756 (2000).
37. M. Small, D. Yu, R. G. Harrison,
C. Robertson, G. Clegg, M. Holzer, and F. Sterz, "Deterministic
nonlinearity in ventricular fibrillation," Chaos 10(1), 268-277
38. D. J. Yu, M. Small, R. G.
Harrison, C. Robertson, G. Clegg, M. Holzer, and F. Sterz, "Measuring
temporal complexity of ventricular fibrillation," Physics Letters A
265(1-2), 68-75 (2000).
39. D. J. Yu, W. P. Lu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Detecting dynamical nonstationarity in time series
data," Chaos 9(4), 865-870 (1999).
40. A. Gavrielides, T. C. Newell, V.
Kovanis, R. G. Harrison, N. Swanston, D. J. Yu, and W. P. Lu,
"Synchronous Sisyphus effect in diode lasers subject to optical
feedback," Physical Review A 60(2), 1577-1581 (1999).
41. R. G. Harrison, D. J. Yu, L.
Oxley, W. P. Lu, and D. George, "Non-linear noise reduction and
detecting chaos: Some evidence from the S&P Composite Price
Index," Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 48(4-6), 497-502
42. V. I. Kovalev and R. G.
Harrison, "Diffraction limited output from a CW Nd:YAG master
oscillator / power amplifier with fibre phase conjugate SBS mirror,"
Optics Communications 166(1-6), 89-93 (1999).
43. R. G. Harrison, V. I. Kovalev,
W. P. Lu, and D. J. Yu, "SBS self-phase conjugation of CW Nd:YAG laser
radiation in an optical fibre," Optics Communications 163(4-6),
208-211 (1999).
44. W. P. Lu, D. J. Yu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Excitable wave patterns in a spatially extended nonlinear
optical cavity," Optics Letters 24(9), 578-580 (1999).
45. D. J. Yu, W. P. Lu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Pattern formation in a laser system: Spontaneous and hard
excitation phenomena," Chaos Solitons & Fractals 10(4-5), 783-794
46. D. J. Yu, W. P. Lu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Dynamic bistability and spiral waves in a laser,"
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 1(1), 25-30 (1999).
47. D. J. Yu, W. P. Lu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Space time-index plots for probing dynamical
nonstationarity," Physics Letters A 250(4-6), 323-327 (1998).
48. D. J. Yu, W. P. Lu, R. G.
Harrison, and N. N. Rosanov, "Analysis of dark spot formation in
absorbing liquid media," Journal of Modern Optics 45(12), 2597-2606
49. W. P. Lu, D. J. Yu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Instabilities and tracking of travelling wave patterns in a
three-level laser," International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
8(9), 1769-1775 (1998).
50. D. J. Yu, W. P. Lu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Phase-space prediction of chaotic time series,"
Dynamics and Stability of Systems 13(3), 219-236 (1998).
51. W. P. Lu, D. J. Yu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Excitability in a nonlinear optical cavity," Physical
Review A 58(2), R809-R811 (1998).
52. R. G. Harrison, L. Dambly, D. J.
Yu, and W. P. Lu, "A new self-diffraction pattern formation in
defocusing liquid media," Optics Communications 139(1-3), 69-72
53. W. P. Lu, D. J. Yu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Tracking periodic patterns into spatiotemporal chaotic
regimes," Physical Review Letters 78(23), 4375-4378 (1997).
54. D. J. Yu, W. P. Lu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Origin of spiral wave formation in excitable optical
systems," Physical Review Letters 77(25), 5051-5054 (1996).
55. W. P. Lu, D. J. Yu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Control of patterns in spatiotemporal chaos in
optics," Physical Review Letters 76(18), 3316-3319 (1996).
56. R. G. Harrison, D. J. Yu, W. P.
Lu, and P. M. Ripley, "Chaotic stimulated Brillouin scattering: Theory
and experiment," Physica D 86(1-2), 182-188 (1995).
57. D. S. Lim, W. P. Lu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Evidence of phase singularities and dynamic patterns in
stimulated Brillouin scattering," Optics Communications 113(4-6),
471-475 (1995).
58. D. J. Yu, W. P. Lu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Physical origin of dynamical stimulated Brillouin
scattering in optical fibers with feedback," Physical Review A 51(1),
669-674 (1995).
59. W. P. Lu and R. G. Harrison,
"Controlling chaos using continuous interference feedback: Proposal
for all-optical devices," Optics Communications 109(5-6), 457-461
60. D. J. Yu and R. G. Harrison,
"Spatial chaotic power cross-talk in nonlinear multibeam
co-propagation in optical fibers," Journal of Modern Optics 41(6),
1173-1178 (1994).
61. P. K. Bhadani, Y. X. Tang, and
R. G. Harrison, "Novel magnetic-spiker sustainer excitation circuit
for a multijoule TE CO2 laser," Review of Scientific Instruments
65(7), 2175-2179 (1994).
62. P. K. Bhadani and R. G.
Harrison, "Novel discharge circuit for a multijoule TEA CO2
laser," Review of Scientific Instruments 65(3), 563-566 (1994).
63. R. G. Harrison, P. M. Ripley,
and W. P. Lu, "Observation and characterization of deterministic chaos
in stimulated Brillouin scattering with weak feedback," Physical
Review A 49(1), R24-R27 (1994).
64. D. J. Yu and R. G. Harrison,
"Nonlinear coupling instabilities and spatial chaos in an optical
open-flow system," Physical Review A 47(2), R790-R793 (1993).
65. I. A. Al-Saidi and R. G.
Harrison, "Self-focusing of CO2 laser radiation in SF6," Applied
Physics B 55(6), 501-502 (1992).
66. P. K. Bhadani and R. G.
Harrison, "Efficient long pulse TE-CO2 laser using magnetic-spiker
sustainer excitation," Review of Scientific Instruments 63(12),
5543-5545 (1992).
67. W. H. Tan, W. P. Lu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Approach to the theory of radiation-matter interaction for
arbitrary field strength," Physical Review A 46(11), 7128-7138 (1992).
68. W. P. Lu, A. Johnstone, and R.
G. Harrison, "Deterministic dynamics of stimulated scattering
phenomena with external feedback," Physical Review A 46(7), 4114-4122
69. W. H. Tan, W. P. Lu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Reply to "Comment on 'Lasing without inversion in a V
system due to trapping of modified atomic states'"," Physical
Review A 49(4), 3134-3135 (1994).
70. W. H. Tan, W. P. Lu, and R. G.
Harrison, "Lasing without inversion in a V system due to trapping of
modified atomic states," Physical Review A 46(7), R3613-R3616 (1992).
71. A. Sylvan, P. K. Bhadani, and R.
G. Harrison, "A photoswitched small TEA CO2 laser," Measurement
Science & Technology 3(2), 200-203 (1992).
72. P. K. Bhadani, A. Sylvan, and R.
G. Harrison, "Efficient helium-free multi-joule TE-CO2 laser using
spiker-sustainer excitation," Review of Scientific Instruments 63(1),
71-74 (1992).
73. W. Forysiak, J. V. Moloney, and
R. G. Harrison, "Bifurcations of an optically pumped three-level laser
model," Physica D 53(1), 162-186 (1991).
74. W. P. Lu and R. G. Harrison,
"Nonlinear dynamic and chaotic features in stimulated scattering
phenomena," Europhysics Letters 16(7), 655-660 (1991).
75. W. P. Lu and R. G. Harrison,
"Nonlinear dynamics of Raman lasers," Physical Review A 43(11),
6358-6367 (1991).
76. P. K. Bhadani, A. Sylvan, and R.
G. Harrison, "Efficient switchless multi-Joule TE-CO2 laser,"
Review of Scientific Instruments 62(6), 1404-1407 (1991).
77. A. Sylvan, P. K. Bhadani, and R.
G. Harrison, "A solid-state switched small TEA CO2 laser,"
Measurement Science & Technology 2(4), 342-345 (1991).
78. A. Johnstone, W. P. Lu, J. S.
Uppal, and R. G. Harrison, "Sustained and bursting oscillations in
stimulated Brillouin scattering with external feedback in optical
fiber," Optics Communications 81(3-4), 222-224 (1991).
79. A. Sylvan, P. K. Bhadani, and R.
G. Harrison, "Small solid-state switched pulser-sustainer TEA CO2
laser," Measurement Science & Technology 2(1), 49-53 (1991).
80. R. G. Harrison, J. S. Uppal, A.
Johnstone, and J. V. Moloney, "Evidence of chaotic stimulated
Brillouin scattering in optical fibers," Physical Review Letters
65(2), 167-170 (1990).
81. A. Sylvan, G. D. Spiers, A.
Johnstone, and R. G. Harrison, "Compact high repetition rate
magnetically switched transverse, electric, atmospheric CO2 laser,"
Review of Scientific Instruments 61(7), 1821-1824 (1990).
82. W. P. Lu and R. G. Harrison,
"Physical mechanism of asymmetric bistable and dynamically unstable
emission with low second threshold in Raman lasers," Physical Review A
41(11), 6563-6566 (1990).
83. J. S. Uppal, R. G. Harrison, and
W. P. Lu, "Analysis of steady state and bistable emission from a
three-level laser," Journal of Modern Optics 37(4), 605-611 (1990).
84. W. P. Lu and R. G. Harrison,
"On the similarity of the Raman laser to the Haken-Lorenz model,"
Journal of Modern Optics 37(4), 585-588 (1990).
85. J. S. Uppal, K. Jiad, P. K.
Gupta, G. Spiers, and R. G. Harrison, "Tunable chirp-free pulsed
injection of TEA CO2 laser oscillators for Doppler wind LIDAR
applications," Journal of Modern Optics 37(4), 493-500 (1990).
86. J. S. Uppal and R. G. Harrison,
"Analysis of constant and periodic emission field characteristics of
optically pumped three-level lasers," IEEE Journal of Quantum
Electronics 26(2), 329-336 (1990).
87. W. P. Lu, J. S. Uppal, and R. G.
Harrison, "Absorptive bistability in coherently pumped three level
lasers," Optics Communications 74(6), 393-397 (1990).
88. P. K. Gupta and R. G. Harrison,
"Frequency stable long pulse operation of a self sustained TE CO2
laser," Optics Communications 74(5), 318-322 (1990).
89. P. K. Gupta, K. Jiad, J. S.
Uppal, and R. G. Harrison, "Simultaneous emission of 10P and 10R
branch lines from a hybrid CO2 laser," Optical and Quantum Electronics
22(1), 89-94 (1990).
90. R. G. Harrison, W. P. Lu, and P.
K. Gupta, "Origin of periodic, chaotic, and bistable emission from
Raman lasers," Physical Review Letters 63(13), 1372-1375 (1989).
91. J. S. Uppal, P. K. Gupta, and R.
G. Harrison, "Aperiodic ruling for the measurement of Gaussian laser
beam diameters," Optics Letters 14(13), 683-685 (1989).
92. P. K. Gupta, K. Jiad, J. S.
Uppal, and R. G. Harrison, "Multiline operation of a hybrid CO2
laser," Applied Optics 28(13), 2460-2461 (1989).
93. J. S. Uppal and R. G. Harrison,
"Gaussian reflectivity mirror with an absorbing lens," Applied
Optics 28(8), 1449-1451 (1989).
94. J. V. Moloney, W.
Forysiak, J. S. Uppal, and R. G. Harrison, "Regular and
chaotic dynamics of optically pumped molecular lasers," Physical
Review A 39(3), 1277-1285 (1989).
95. W. Forysiak, R. G. Harrison, and
J. V. Moloney, "Local bifurcations of a three-level optically pumped
laser," Physical Review A 39(1), 421-423 (1989).
96. R. G. Harrison, "Dynamical instabilities
and chaos in lasers," Contemporary Physics 29(4), 341-371 (1988).
97. R. G. Harrison and J. S. Uppal,
"Instabilities and chaos in lasers," Europhysics News 19(6),
84-88 (1988).
98. J. V. Moloney, J. S. Uppal, and
R. G. Harrison, "Origin of chaotic relaxation oscillations in an
optically pumped molecular laser," Physical Review Letters 59(25),
2868-2871 (1987).
99. J. S. Uppal, R. G. Harrison, and
J. V. Moloney, "Validity of mode splitting analysis in optically
pumped molecular lasers having Rabi splitting," Optics Communications
64(4), 357-361 (1987).
J. S. Uppal, R. G. Harrison, and J. V. Moloney, "Gain,
dispersion, and emission characteristics of three-level molecular laser
amplifier and oscillator systems," Physical Review A 36(10), 4823-4834
G. D. Spiers, A. Vass, and R. G. Harrison, "The effect of
sliding spark, corona and semiconductor pre-ionisers on the operation and
output of a TEA CO2 laser," Optics Communications 62(4), 256-258
S. C. Mehendale, W. Forysiak, and R. G. Harrison, "Effect of
second harmonic generation of idler wave on difference frequency
generation," Journal of Applied Physics 61(6), 2405-2407 (1987).
W. Forysiak, S. C. Mehendale, and R. G. Harrison, "Second
harmonic generation of single- and multilongitudinal-mode CO2 laser
emissions," Applied Optics 26(1), 16-17 (1987).
S. C. Mehendale and R. G. Harrison, "Theoretical analysis of
instabilities in optically pumped molecular lasers," Optics
Communications 60(4), 257-260 (1986).
S. C. Mehendale, W. Forysiak, C. Cheng, and R. G. Harrison,
"Influence of competition on optical sum frequency generation,"
Optics Communications 59(4), 304-308 (1986).
S. C. Mehendale and R. G. Harrison, "Spontaneous mode splitting
in optically pumped molecular lasers due to the AC Stark effect,"
Physical Review A 34(2), 1613-1616 (1986).
R. G. Harrison and D. J. Biswas, "Chaos in light," Nature
321(6068), 394-401 (1986).
S. C. Mehendale, R. G. Harrison, and A. Vass, "Pump intensity
dependent cavity mode frequency shifting in a 12.08 mu m NH3 laser,"
Applied Physics Letters 48(14), 894-896 (1986).
W. J. Firth, R. G. Harrison, and I. A. Al-Saidi, "Instabilities
and routes to chaos in passive all-optical resonators containing a
molecular gas," Physical Review A 33(4), 2449-2460 (1986).
S. C. Mehendale and R. G. Harrison, "Simultaneous generation of
two independently tunable single-mode emissions from a hybrid TEA CO2
laser," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 22(3), 382-385 (1986).
D. J. Biswas and R. G. Harrison, "Observation of pulsating
instabilities and chaos in a transversely excited atmospheric pressure CO2
laser," Optics Communications 57(3), 193-195 (1986).
D. J. Biswas and R. G. Harrison, "Faster than the
fastest," Science Today, 41-45 (1985).
D. M. Tratt, A. K. Kar, and R. G. Harrison, "Spectral control
of gain-switched lasers by injection-seeding: Application to TEA CO2
systems," Progress in Quantum Electronics 10(4), 229-265 (1985).
R. G. Harrison and D. J. Biswas, "Pulsating instabilities and
chaos in lasers," Progress in Quantum Electronics 10(3), 147-228
D. J. Biswas and R. G. Harrison, "A simple ring resonator
system," Optics and Laser Technology 17(6), 303-304 (1985).
D. J. Biswas and R. G. Harrison, "Experimental evidence of
three-mode quasiperiodicity and chaos in a single longitudinal,
multi-transverse-mode CW CO2 laser," Physical Review A 32(6),
3835-3837 (1985).
S. C. Mehendale and R. G. Harrison, "Synchronized
dual-wavelength single-mode emission from a TEA CO2 laser," Optics
Letters 10(12), 603-605 (1985).
S. C. Mehendale, D. J. Biswas, and R. G. Harrison, "Single mode
multiline emission from a hybrid CO2 laser," Optics Communications
55(6), 427-429 (1985).
R. G. Harrison, I. A. Al-Saidi, and D. J. Biswas, "Observation
of instabilities and chaos in a homogeneously broadened single mode and
multimode midinfrared Raman laser," IEEE Journal of Quantum
Electronics 21(9), 1491-1497 (1985).
D. J. Biswas and R. G. Harrison, "Evidence of mode splitting in
a single mode, homogeneously broadened Raman laser," Applied Physics
Letters 47(3), 198-200 (1985).
R. G. Harrison and D. J. Biswas, "Demonstration of self-pulsing
instability and transitions to chaos in single-mode and multimode
homogeneously broadened Raman laser," Physical Review Letters 55(1),
63-66 (1985).
D. J. Biswas and R. G. Harrison, "Observation of optical
turbulence in a single mode homogeneously broadened optically pumped
molecular laser," Optics Communications 54(2), 112-116 (1985).
R. G. Harrison and I. A. Al-Saidi, "Experimental evidence of
self-pulsing and chaos in an optically pumped 12 mu m NH3 laser,"
Optics Communications 54(2), 107-111 (1985).
A. K. Kar, D. M. Tratt, J. G. H. Mathew, N. R. Heckenberg, and R. G.
Harrison, "Status and prospects of hybrid and injection-locked TEA CO2
lasers for lidar and nonlinear optics applications," IEEE Journal of
Quantum Electronics 21(4), 359-364 (1985).
R. G. Harrison, I. A. Al-Saidi, E. J. D. Cummins, and W. J. Firth,
"Evidence for optical bistability in millimeter gas cells,"
Applied Physics Letters 46(6), 532-534 (1985).
D. J. Biswas and R. G. Harrison, "Optical isolator for single
mode TEA CO2 laser," Journal of Physics E 18(3), 256-257 (1985).
A. K. Kar, D. M. Tratt, N. R. Heckenberg, and R. G. Harrison,
"Theoretical and experimental study of the injection-locked TEA CO2
laser incorporating electron-plasma prepulse chirp phenomena," IEEE
Journal of Quantum Electronics 21(1), 11-14 (1985).
I. A. Al-Saidi and R. G. Harrison, "Wavelength dependence of
high-efficiency second-harmonic generation in CdGeAs2," Applied
Physics B 36(1), 17-20 (1985).
I. A. Al-Saidi, D. J. Biswas, C. A. Emshary, and R. G. Harrison,
"Self focusing of CO2 laser radiation in NH3 gas," Optics
Communications 52(5), 336-338 (1985).
R. G. Harrison, I. A. Al-Saidi, and W. J. Firth, "Observation
of bifurcation to chaos in a passive all-optical Fabry-Perot resonator: A
high-frequency optical modulator," Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society of London Series A 313(1525), 405-409 (1984).
R. G. Harrison, W. J. Firth, and I. A. Al-Saidi, "Observation
of bifurcation to chaos in an all-optical Fabry-Perot resonator,"
Physical Review Letters 53(3), 258-261 (1984).
R. G. Harrison, W. J. Firth, C. A. Emshary, and I. A. Al-Saidi,
"Observation of optical hysteresis in an all-optical passive ring
cavity containing molecular gas," Applied Physics Letters 44(8),
716-718 (1984).
R. G. Harrison, W. J. Firth, C. A. Emshary, and I. A. Al-Saidi,
"Observation of period doubling in an all-optical resonator containing
NH3 gas," Physical Review Letters 51(7), 562-565 (1983).
P. John, M. R. Humphries, R. G. Harrison, and P. G. Harper,
"Nonequilibrated energy distribution in polyatomic molecules: The
infrared MPD of cyclobutanone," Journal of Chemical Physics 79(3),
1353-1359 (1983).
D. M. Tratt, A. K. Kar, J. G. H. Mathew, and R. G. Harrison,
"Injection locking of wide aperture TEA CO2 lasers," Applied
Optics 22(2), 208-209 (1983).
A. K. Kar, R. G. Harrison, D. M. Tratt, and C. A. Emshary,
"Polarization to coupling effects in transversely excited atmospheric CO2
lasers: Application to single axial mode operation," Applied Physics
Letters 42(1), 12-14 (1983).
A. K. Kar, D. M. Tratt, and R. G. Harrison, "Injection-locking
of TEA CO2 lasers by an orthogonally-polarized injection source,"
Optics Communications 43(4), 274-276 (1982).
D. M. Tratt, A. K. Kar, and R. G. Harrison, "Line-tunable
orthogonally polarised dual-wavelength operation of a CW CO2 laser,"
Journal of Physics E 15(10), 1010-1011 (1982).
R. G. Harrison, P. K. Gupta, M. R. Taghizadeh, and A. K. Kar, "Efficient
multikilowatt mid infrared difference frequency generation in
CdGeAs2," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 18(8), 1239-1242 (1982).
P. K. Gupta and R. G. Harrison, "Rate equation model for mid IR
OPML having common pump and upper lasing level; Application to 12.8 mu m
emission from NH3," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 17(11),
2238-2244 (1981).
P. K. Gupta, A. K. Kar, M. R. Taghizadeh, and R. G. Harrison,
"12.8-mu m NH3 laser emission with 40-60% power conversion and up to
28% energy conversion efficiency," Applied Physics Letters 39(1),
32-34 (1981).
G. McClelland, S. D. Smith, R. G. Harrison, and D. Tratt,
"Injection locked single mode operation of a TEA CO2 laser with high
energy extraction," International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter
Waves 2(3), 571-579 (1981).
R. G. Harrison, "Distributed feedback lasers," Nature 284,
600 (1980).
R. G. Harrison, P. K. Gupta, A. K. Kar, and M. R. Taghizadeh,
"A simple and efficient optically pumped NH3 laser system,"
Optics Communications 34(3), 445-446 (1980).
R. M. Leo, H. L. Hawkins, P. John, and R. G. Harrison,
"Absorption measurements by pulsed optoacoustic detection,"
Journal of Physics E 13(6), 658-659 (1980).
R. G. Harrison, H. L. Hawkins, R. M. Leo, and P. John, "The
absorption of pulsed infrared radiation by cyclobutanone and its subsequent
decomposition," Chemical Physics Letters 70(3), 555-559 (1980).
D. A. B. Miller, R. G. Harrison, A. M. Johnston, C. T. Seaton, and
S. D. Smith, "Degenerate four-wave mixing in InSb at 5K," Optics
Communications 32(3), 478-480 (1980).
R. G. Harrison and S. R. Butcher, "Multiple photon infrared
processes in polyatomic molecules," Contemporary Physics 21(1), 19-41
V. Starov, C. Steel, and R. G. Harrison, "Laser induced excitation
of ammonia at 1076 cm/sup–1/ in the megawatt region," Journal of
Chemical Physics 71(8), 3304-3310 (1979).
S. D. Smith, R. B. Dennis, and R. G. Harrison, "The spin-flip
Raman laser," Progress in Quantum Electronics 5, 205-292 (1979).
R. G. Harrison, "Separating isotopes by laser," Physics
Bulletin 30(6), 259-261 (1979).
R. G. Harrison, S. R. Butcher, and R. A. Wood, "High power
widely tunable infra-red generation from four-wave mixing in
germanium," Optics and Laser Technology 11(3), 133-136 (1979).
R. G. Harrison, A. M. Johnston, and S. R. Butcher, "Tunable
simultaneous double-wavelength operation of a CW CO2 laser," Applied
Physics 19(2), 243-245 (1979).
C. Steel, V. Starov, R. Leo, P. John, and R. G. Harrison,
"Chemical thermometers in megawatt infrared laser chemistry: The
decomposition of cyclobutanone sensitized by ammonia," Chemical
Physics Letters 62(1), 121-124 (1979).
B. J. Gowenlock, P. John, R. Leo, R. G. Harrison, S. R. Butcher, and
C. Steel, "Saturation of the a(6,0) transition in the v2 band of NH3
by irradiation with a TEA CO2 laser," Journal of Photochemistry 9(2),
200-204 (1978).
R. G. Harrison, R. A. Wood, and S. R. Butcher, "16 mu m
generation from phase-matched 4-wave mixing of CO2 and NH3 laser radiation
in germanium," Optics Communications 27(1), 160-164 (1978).
R. A. Wood, R. G. Harrison, S. R. Butcher, and C. R. Pidgeon,
"Non-collinear phase matched 4-wave mixing of CO2 and NH3 laser
radiation in germanium," Optics Communications 26(3), 463-465 (1978).
R. G. Harrison, F. A. Al-Watban, and C. R. Pidgeon, "High
efficiency frequency doubling in tellurium of 12.8 mu m laser
radiation," Optics Communications 23(3), 385-388 (1977).
F. A. Al-Watban and R. G. Harrison, "Experimental measurements
of the spectral responsivity of photon drag detectors," Journal of
Physics D 10(18), L249-L251 (1977).
F. A. Al-Watban, R. G. Harrison, J. G. Crowder, and C. R. Pidgeon,
"Experimental characteristics of a high-power ammonia laser,"
Journal of Physics D 10(13), L167-L170 (1977).
R. G. Harrison and S. R. Butcher, "Tunable simultaneous double
wavelength operation of a TEA CO2 laser," Physics Letters A 61(3),
154-156 (1977).
R. G. Harrison and F. A. Al-Watban, "High power laser emission
at 12.812 mu m from an optically pumped ammonia laser," Optics Communications
20(2), 225-228 (1977).
H. Collins and R. G. Harrison, "Building Steel," Science
Today 5, 441-449 (1975).
R. G. Harrison, "Suppression of mode-locking by excited-state
absorption in a saturable absorber," Journal of Physics D 8(18),
L203-L206 (1975).
V. I. Little, M. A. Cutter, P. Y.
Key, and R. G. Harrison, "Scattering of light from light induced
periodic structures," Contemporary Physics 15(3), 271-298 (1974).
R. G. Harrison, P. Y. Key, and V. I. Little, "Stimulated
scattering and induced Bragg reflection of light in liquid media. II.
Experimental," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A 334(1597), 215-229
R. G. Harrison, P. Y. Key, and V. I. Little, "Stimulated
scattering and induced Bragg reflection of light in liquid media. I.
Theoretical," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A 334(1597), 193-214
P. Y. Key and R. G. Harrison, "Role of electrostriction,
absorption, and the electrocaloric effect in the stimulated scattering of
light," Physical Review A 5(4), 1839-1846 (1972).
P. Y. Key, R. G. Harrison, V. I. Little, and J. Katzenstein,
"Bragg reflection from a phase grating induced by nonlinear optical
effects in liquids," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 6(10),
641-646 (1970).
R. G. Harrison, P. Y. Key, and V. I. Little, "Fluorescence due
to excited state absorption in saturable absorbers," Journal of
Physics D 3(5), 758-762 (1970).
P. Y. Key, G. Hayward, R. G. Harrison, and V. I. Little, "A
high precision spectrometer table," Journal of Physics E 2(4), 374-375
R. G. Harrison, P. Y. Key, V. I. Little, G. Magyar, and J.
Katzenstein, "Bragg reflection of laser light from a phase grating in
a Q-switching liquid," Applied Physics Letters 13(8), 253-255 (1968).
V. I. Little, P. Y. Key, and R. G. Harrison,
"Interaction of self-trapped light beams," Nature 216, 257-258
Conference Proceedings
Slow light in optical fiber using
stimulated Brillouin scattering. Proc. SPIE, 7024, 702415-1-8
R.G.Harrison, Coherent beam combining of fiber amplifier array output
through spectral self-phase conjugation via SBS. In: Fiber Lasers III:
Technology, Systems, and Applications. Proc. SPIE, 6102, 61021B-1-7 (2006).
V.I.Kovalev, J.S.Barton, P.R.Richardson, A.C.Jones,
Highly sensitive rapid fluorescence detection of protein residues on
surgical instruments. In: Ultrasensitive and Single-Molecule Detection
Technologies. Proc. SPIE, 6092, 60920J-1-7 (2006).
R.G.Harrison, Continuous-wave stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical
fibers: New results and applications for high power lasers. In: Topical
Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics. Proc. SPIE, 5975, 5975OL-1-13 (2006).
V. Kovalev,
R.Harrison, J.Nilsson, Y.Jeong, V.Hernandez-Solis, and J.K. Sahu. Analytic
modeling of Brillouin gain in rare-earth doped fiber amplifiers with
high-power single-frequency signals. In: Fiber Lasers: Technology, Systems,
and Applications. Proc. SPIE, 5709, 142 (2005).
6. V.I.Kovalev,
R.G.Harrison, J.K.Sahu, J.Nilsson, Continuous-wave all-fiber MOPA with SBS
phase conjugate mirror. In: Fiber Lasers: Technology, Systems, and
Applications. Proc. SPIE, 5335, 46 (2004).
7. V.
I. Kovalev and R. G. Harrison, "CW SBS phase conjugation in optical
fibre: Application for beam clean up of high power CW laser systems and new
insights into fundamentals of SBS," presented at the 11th Conference
on Laser Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 30 June - 4 July, 2003.
8. R.
G. Harrison, J. D. Simonotto, and V. I. Kovalev, "Observation of
coherence resonance in stimulated Brillouin scattering," Europhysics
Conference Abstracts 27E, EB1T
9. R.
G. Harrison and V. I. Kovalev, "Massive spectral broadening of
stimulated Brillouin scattering in guided media," Europhysics
Conference Abstracts 27E,
EB6-2-WED (2003).
10. R. G.
Harrison and V. I. Kovalev, "Temporally stable CW phase conjugation
via stimulated brillouin scattering in optical fibre with cavity
feedback," Europhysics Conference Abstracts 27E, CP3-9-THU (2003).
11. R. G.
Harrison, "The dynamics of stimulated scattering in guided media: New
perspectives and new phenomena," presented at the Rank Prize Fund's
Mini-Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics of Lasers, Grasmere, Cumbria, UK,
19-22 Aug., 2002.
12. J. D.
Simonotto, V. I. Kovalev, and R. G. Harrison, "Coherence resonance in
stimulated Brillouin scattering," in Experimental Chaos: 6th Experimental Chaos Conference, S. Boccaletti, B. J. Gluckman, J.
Kurths, L. M. Pecora, and M. L. Spano, eds. (American Institute of Physics,
Melville, 2002), pp. 329-334.
13. M.
Small, R. G. Harrison, and C. K. Tse, "A surrogate test for
pseudo-periodic time series data," in Experimental Chaos: 6th Experimental Chaos Conference, S. Boccaletti, B. J. Gluckman, J.
Kurths, L. M. Pecora, and M. L. Spano, eds. (American Institute of Physics,
Melville, 2002), pp. 190-195.
14. V. I.
Kovalev and R. G. Harrison, "Waveguide induced inhomogeneous spectral
broadening of SBS in optical fibre," presented at the 2002
International Quantum Electronics Conference, Moscow, Russia,
22-28 June, 2002.
15. W. Lu,
S. L. Lachinova, and R. G. Harrison, "Nonlinear optoelectronic image
processing for detection and tracking of small moving objects," in Technical Digest of the 2002
International Quantum Electronics Conference (Moscow, Russia, 2002), p.
16. J.
Simonotto, M. Spano, W. Ditto, K. Kavanagh, and R. G. Harrison,
"Nonlinear analysis of spatiotemporal heart data," presented at
the Annual APS March Meeting 2002, Indianapolis,
Indiana, USA,
18-22 March, 2002.
17. P. Y.
Wang, W. Lu, D. Yu, and R. G. Harrison, "Pattern formation in an
excitable liquid crystal system," presented at the Annual APS March
Meeting 2002, Indianapolis,
Indiana, USA,
18-22 March, 2002.
18. V. I.
Kovalev and R. G. Harrison, "Inhomogeneous spectral broadening of
stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fibre: The evidences and the
consequences," presented at the Fourth Khariton's Topical Scientific
Readings, Sarov, Russia, 18-21 Feb., 2002.
19. M.
Small, R. G. Harrison, and C. K. Tse, "A surrogate test for
inter-cycle determinism in oscillatory time series data," presented at
the 2001 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, Miyagi, Japan,
28 Oct. - 1 Nov., 2001.
20. V. I.
Kovalev and R. G. Harrison, "The dynamics of a SBS fibre laser: the nature
of periodic spiking at harmonics of the fundamental oscillation
frequency," in Technical Digest
of the 15th UK National Quantum Electronics and Photonics Conference (Glasgow, UK, 2001), p. 160.
21. J.
Simonotto, V. I. Kovalev, and R. G. Harrison, "Coherence resonance in
stimulated Brillouin scattering," in Technical Digest of the 15th UK National Quantum Electronics and
Photonics Conference (Glasgow, UK, 2001), p. 159.
22. S. L.
Lachinova, W. Lu, R. G. Harrison, and M. A. Vorontsov, "Modelling of
nonlinear optoelectronic image processing for detection and tracking of
small moving targets," in Technical
Digest of the 15th UK National Quantum Electronics and Photonics Conference
(Glasgow, UK, 2001), p. 99.
23. M.
Small, D. J. Yu, and R. G. Harrison, "Evidence of a period doubling
bifurcation route to chaos in human ventricular fibrillation,"
presented at the 6th Experimental Chaos Conference, Potsdam, Germany,
22-26 June, 2001.
24. M.
Small, D. Yu, and R. G. Harrison, "Nonstationarity as an embedding
problem," in Space-Time Chaos:
Characterization, Control and Synchronization, S. Boccaletti, J. Burguete, W. Gonzalez-Vinas, H. L. Mancini,
and D. L. Valladares, eds. (World Scientific, Singapore, 2001), pp. 3-18.
25. Y. X.
Tang and R. G. Harrison, "Effect of gas decomposition in multi-joule
TE/TEA CO2 lasers excited by magnetic-spiker sustainer technique,"
Proceedings of SPIE 4184,
303-306 (2001).
26. Y. X.
Tang and R. G. Harrison, "Modified overshoot mode of magnetic-spiker
sustainer technology for multi-joule TEA CO2 lasers," Proceedings of
SPIE 4184, 299-302 (2001).
27. V. I.
Kovalev and R. G. Harrison, "CW fibre-based SBS phase conjugator:
Applications for power scalable beam clean up of all-solid state
MOPA's," in Proceedings of the
IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 2000 Annual Meeting, Vol. 2 (Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway,
N.J., 2000), pp. 597-598.
28. M.
Small, D. J. Yu, R. H. Clayton, J. Simonotto, and R. G. Harrison,
"Evolution of ventricular fibrillation revealed by first return
plots," Computers in Cardiology 27,
525-528 (2000).
29. M.
Small, D. J. Yu, N. Grubb, J. Simonotto, K. A. A. Fox, and R. G. Harrison,
"Automatic identification and recording of cardiac arrhythmia,"
Computers in Cardiology 27,
355-358 (2000).
30. M.
Small, D. J. Yu, J. Simonotto, and R. G. Harrison, "Nonlinear analysis
of human ECG during sinus rhythm and arrhythmia," Computers in
Cardiology 27, 147-150 (2000).
31. V. I.
Kovalev, R. G. Harrison, and A. M. Scott, "The build up of stimulated
Brillouin scattering excited by pulsed pump radiation in a long optical
fibre," in Conference Digest of
the 2000 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, N.J., 2000), p. 41.
32. V. I.
Kovalev and R. G. Harrison, "Observation and characterization of
inhomogeneous spectral broadening of stimulated Brillouin scattering in
optical fibre," in Conference
Digest of the 2000 International Quantum Electronics Conference
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, N.J.,
2000), p. 210.
33. Z. R.
Yang, R. G. Harrison, and W. P. Lu, "Identifying health inequalities
using artificial neural networks (WHO data)," in Proceedings of the IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on
Neural Networks, Vol. IV (IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, 2000),
pp. 113-118.
34. Z. R.
Yang, W. P. Lu, D. J. Yu, and R. G. Harrison, "Detecting false benign
in breast cancer diagnosis," in Proceedings
of the IEEE-INNS-ENNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,
Vol. III (IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, 2000), pp. 655-658.
35. Z. R.
Yang, W. Lu, and R. G. Harrison, "Virtual object theory and its
application to finance," International Journal of Theoretical and
Applied Finance 3(3), 605-606
36. B. J.
W. Fleming, D. Yu, R. G. Harrison, and D. Jubb, "Analysis of effect of
detrending of time-scale structure of financial data using discrete wavelet
transform," International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 3(3), 375-379 (2000).
37. D. Yu,
M. Small, J. Simonotto, and R. G. Harrison, "Nonlinear data analysis
of ventricular fibrillation," presented at the EPSRC Network workshop
on Tools for virtual tissue engineering, Leeds, UK,
21-22 June, 2000.
38. M.
Small, D. Yu, R. H. Clayton, and R. G. Harrison, "Temporal evolution
analysis of complex nonlinear dynamics in computational simulations of
ventricular arrhythmia," presented at the School on Space Time Chaos:
Characterization, Control and Synchronization, Pamplona, Spain,
19-23 June, 2000.
39. M.
Small, D. Yu, and R. G. Harrison, "Nonstationarity as an embedding
problem," presented at the School on Space Time Chaos:
Characterization, Control and Synchronization, Pamplona, Spain,
19-23 June, 2000.
40. R. G.
Harrison, "Artificial neural networks for healthcare," presented
at the Health Promotion Conference on Analysis, Interpretation, and Use of
Complex Social and Behavioral Surveillance Data: Looking Back in Order to
Go Forward, Savannah, GA, USA, 14-16 June, 2000.
41. R. G.
Harrison, "Chaos and complexity in healthcare," presented at the
Edinburgh Science Festival, Edinburgh,
UK, April,
42. V. I.
Kovalev and R. G. Harrison, "Diffraction limited output from a CW
Nd:YAG MOPA with a fibre phase conjugate SBS mirror," in Proceedings of the IEEE Lasers and
Electro-Optics Society 1999 Annual Meeting, Vol. 2 (Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, N.J., 1999), pp. 912-913.
43. I.
Wallace, D. Yu, W. Lu, and R. G. Harrison, "Experimental phase
synchronization of semiconductor lasers subject to optical feedback,"
in Proceedings of the IEEE Lasers and
Electro-Optics Society 1999 Annual Meeting, Vol. 1 (Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, N.J., 1999), pp. 375-376.
44. V. I.
Kovalev and R. G. Harrison, "Observation of hole burning in spectrum
of SBS in optical fibres under CW monochromatic laser excitation," in Proceedings of the IEEE Lasers and
Electro-Optics Society 1999 Annual Meeting, Vol. 1 (Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, N.J., 1999), pp. 56-57.
45. D. Yu
and R. G. Harrison, "Spiral defect chaos in a high-aspect-ratio
laser," in Technical Digest of
the 2nd Euroconference on Trends in Optical Nonlinear Dynamics: Physical
Problems and Applications (Munster, Germany, 1999), p. 61.
46. R. G.
Harrison, I. W. Wallace, D. Yu, and W. Lu, "New insight into the
nonlinear dynamics and synchronization of external cavity semiconductor
lasers," in Technical Digest of
the 2nd Euroconference on Trends in Optical Nonlinear Dynamics: Physical
Problems and Applications (Munster, Germany, 1999), p. 23.
47. R. H.
Clayton, D. J. Yu, M. Small, V. N. Biktashev, R. G. Harrison, and A. V.
Holden, "Linear and nonlinear characteristics of ECG signals produced
by simulations of ventricular tachyarrhythmias," Computers in
Cardiology 26, 479-482 (1999).
48. D. J. Yu,
M. Small, R. G. Harrison, C. Robertson, G. Clegg, M. Holzer, and F. Sterz,
"Complexity measurements for analysis and diagnosis of early
ventricular fibrillation," Computers in Cardiology 26, 21-24 (1999).
49. M.
Small, D. J. Yu, R. G. Harrison, C. Robertson, G. Clegg, M. Holzer, and F.
Sterz, "Characterizing nonlinearity in ventricular fibrillation,"
Computers in Cardiology 26,
17-20 (1999).
50. V. I.
Kovalev and R. G. Harrison, "Observation of diffraction limited output
from a CW Nd:YAG MOPA with a fibre phase conjugate SBS mirror," in Technical Digest of the 14th UK National
Quantum Electronics and Photonics Conference (Manchester, UK, 1999), p.
51. R. G.
Harrison and V. I. Kovalev, "SBS self-phase conjugation of CW Nd:YAG
laser radiation in an optical fibre," in Technical Digest of the 1999 Conference on Lasers and
Electro-Optics (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C., 1999),
pp. 275 -276.
52. R. G.
Harrison, I. Wallace, D. Yu, W. Lu, A. Gavrielides, and V. Kovanis, "A
synchronous Sysiphus effect in external cavity diode lasers," in Technical Digest of the 1998 European
Quantum Electronics Conference (Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Piscataway, N.J., 1998), p. 14.
53. W. Lu,
D. Yu, and R. G. Harrison, "Excitability in an optical bistable system,"
in Technical Digest of the 1998
European Quantum Electronics Conference (Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, N.J., 1998), p. 8.
54. D. Yu,
W. Lu, I. Wallace, and R. G. Harrison, "Synchronization of chaotic
itinerancy in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback," in Technical Digest of the 1998 European
Quantum Electronics Conference (Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Piscataway, N.J., 1998), p. 7.
55. R. G.
Harrison, D. Yu, and W. Lu, "Spirals in optical systems: Bistability
and excitability," in Technical
Digest of First Euroconference on Trends in Optical Nonlinear Dynamics:
Physical Problems and Applications (Alicante, Spain, 1998), p. 29.
56. D. Yu,
W. Lu, and R. G. Harrison, "Low-frequency dynamics of external cavity
semiconductor lasers," in Proceedings
of the 97' Symposium for Young Chinese Scholars on Condensed Matter Physics
1997), p. 202.
57. R. G.
Harrison, D. Yu, L. Oxley, and W. Lu, "Nonlinear noise reduction and
detecting chaos: Some evidence from the S&P composite price
index," in Proceedings of the
International Congress on Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 3 (Hobart,
Australia, 1997), pp. 1254-1258.
58. N.
Swanstom, D. Yu, W. Lu, J. Kollmer, and R. G. Harrison, "Low-frequency
chaos in semiconductor lasers with external feedback," in Technical Digest of the 1996 European
Quantum Electronics Conference (Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Piscataway, N.J., 1996), p. 165.
59. R. G.
Harrison, L. Dambly, D. Yu, and W. Lu, "Dark hole formation in defocusing
liquid media," in Technical
Digest of the 1996 European Quantum Electronics Conference (Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, N.J., 1996), p. 74.
60. W. Lu,
D. Yu, and R. G. Harrison, "Controlling periodic patterns in optical
turbulence," in Technical Digest
of the 1996 European Quantum Electronics Conference (Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, N.J., 1996), p. 29.
61. D. Yu,
W. Lu, and R. G. Harrison, "Spiral wave formation in nonlinear
diffraction interaction," in Technical
Digest of the 1996 European Quantum Electronics Conference (Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, N.J., 1996), p. 29.
62. D. S.
Lim, D. J. Yu, W. P. Lu, P. M. Ripley, and R. G. Harrison, "Chaos,
phase singularities and spatial-temporal complexity in stimulated Brillouin
scattering with weakly external feedback," Proceedings of SPIE 2778, 852-853 (1996).
63. N.
Swanston, D. Yu, P. M. Ripley, W. Lu, J. Kollmer, and R. G. Harrison,
"Observation and characterization of low-frequency chaos in
semiconductor lasers with external feedback," in Proceedings of the 3rd Experimental Chaos Conference, R. G. Harrison, W. Lu, W. Ditto, L.
Pecora, M. Spano, and S. Vohra, eds. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996),
pp. 225-228.
64. R. G.
Harrison, P. K. Bhadani, and Y. X. Tang, "Spiker sustainer technique
for high energy CO2 laser transmitter for DWL application," presented
at the ESA Doppler Wind Lidar Workshop, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 20-22
Sept., 1995.
65. N.
Swanston, D. Yu, P. M. Ripley, W. Lu, J. Kollmer, and R. G. Harrison,
"Observation and characterization of low-frequency chaos in
semiconductor lasers with external feedback," presented at the 3rd
Experimental Chaos Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 21-23 Aug., 1995.
66. N.
Swanstom, P. M. Ripley, W. Lu, D. Yu, and R. G. Harrison,
"Characterisation of chaos in an external cavity diode lasers,"
presented at the 3rd Experimental Chaos Conference, Edinburgh,
Scotland, UK, 21-23
Aug., 1995.
67. W. Lu,
P. M. Ripley, D. Yu, and R. G. Harrison, "Dynamical instabilities and
chaos in a driven spatially extended optical oscillator," presented at
the 3rd Experimental Chaos Conference, Edinburgh,
Scotland, UK, 21-23
Aug., 1995.
68. D. Yu,
W. Lu, and R. G. Harrison, "Pattern and defect formations in high
aspect state lasers," presented at the 3rd Experimental Chaos
Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 21-23 Aug., 1995.
69. R. G.
Harrison, "Chaos, patterns and defects in stimulated scattering
phenomena," in Proceedings of
the 2nd Experimental Chaos Conference, W. Ditto, L. Pecora, M. Shlesinger, M. Spano, and S. Vohra,
eds. (World Scientific, Singapore, 1995), pp. 62-68.
70. R. G.
Harrison, "Chaos and control of chaos in diode lasers," in Proceedings of the IEEE Lasers and
Electro-Optics Society 1994 Annual Meeting, Vol. 2 (Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, New York, 1994), pp. 321-322.
71. W. Lu
and R. G. Harrison, "New all optical approach to controlling chaotic
optical systems," in Proceedings
of the 5th European Quantum Electronics Conference (1994), pp. 226-227.
72. D. Yu
and R. G. Harrison, "Dynamical instability, chaos, and noise of
stimulated Brillouin amplification," in Proceedings of the 5th European Quantum Electronics Conference
(1994), p. 178.
73. P. K.
Bhadani, Y. X. Tang, and R. G. Harrison, "Multijoule TE CO2 laser
using a novel magnetic-spiker sustainer excitation circuit," in Proceedings of the 1994 European
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (1994), p. 41.
74. R. G.
Harrison, W. P. Lu, D. S. Lim, D. J. Yu, and P. M. Ripley, "Chaos,
patterns and defects in stimulated Brillouin scattering with weak
feedback," Proceedings of SPIE 2039,
91-96 (1993).
75. R. G.
Harrison, D. S. Lim, W. Lu, and D. Yu, "Patterns and spatio-temporal
complexity of stimulated Brillouin scattering in multi-mode optical
fibre," presented at the Meeting on Nonlinear Guided Wave Phenomena, Cambridge, England, Sept., 1993.
76. R. G.
Harrison, D. S. Lim, W. Lu, and D. Yu, "Patterns and spatio-temporal
complexity of stimulated Brillouin scattering in multi-mode fibre," presented
at the 4th European Quantum Electronics Conference, Firenze,
Italia, 10-13 Sept., 1993.
77. R. G.
Harrison, D. Yu, W. Lu, and P. M. Ripley, "Nonlinear dynamics and
chaos in stimulated Brillouin scattering," presented at the NATO
Conference on Chaos, Order and Patterns: Aspects of Nonlinearity - The
"Grand Finale", Como,
Italy, 5-10
Sept., 1993.
78. D. Yu
and R. G. Harrison, "Stimulated Brillouin scattering in two-mode
optical fibres," presented at the 11th UK National Quantum Electronics
Conference, Belfast, UK, 30 Aug. - 2 Sept., 1993.
79. J. S.
Uppal, W. P. Lu, A. Johnstone, and R. G. Harrison, "Generic
instabilities and chaos in stimulated scattering phenomenon," in Recent Developments in Quantum Optics, R. Inguva, ed. (Plenum Press, New York,
1993), pp. 435-454.
80. J. S.
Uppal, K. Jiad, W. Lu, and R. G. Harrison, "On the prevalence of
non-linear dynamics and chaos in Raman lasers," in International Conference on Quantum
Electronics Technical Digest Series 1992, Vol. 9 (Vienna, Austria,
1992), pp. 538-540.
81. R. G.
Harrison, W. Lu, and A. Johnstone, "Confirmation of the deterministic
dynamics of stimulated scattering phenomenon," in International Conference on Quantum Electronics Technical Digest
Series 1992, Vol. 9 (Vienna, Austria, 1992), p. 536.
82. W. Tan,
W. Lu, and R. G. Harrison, "Generalised approach to the theory of
radiation-atom interaction," in International
Conference on Quantum Electronics Technical Digest Series 1992, Vol. 9
(Vienna, Austria, 1992), p. 430.
83. J. S.
Uppal, K. Jiad, W. Forysiak, and R. G. Harrison, "New insights into
the non-linear dynamics of optically pumped three level laser," in International Conference on Quantum
Electronics Technical Digest Series 1992, Vol. 9 (Vienna, Austria,
1992), p. 300.
84. W. Tan,
W. Lu, and R. G. Harrison, "Generalised approach to the theory of
radiation-atom interaction," in Nonlinear
Dynamics in Optical Systems Technical Digest, 1992, Vol. 16 (Optical
Society of America, Washington, D.C., 1992), pp. 336-338.
85. R. G.
Harrison, W. Lu, A. Johnstone, D. S. Lim, and J. S. Uppal, "On the
deterministic dynamics of stimulated scattering phenomenon," in Nonlinear Dynamics in Optical Systems
Technical Digest, 1992, Vol. 16 (Optical Society of America,
Washington, D.C., 1992), pp. 126-127.
86. R. G.
Harrison, "Dynamical instabilities and spatial complexity in nonlinear
optical phenomena," presented at the 1992 Shanghai International
Symposium on Quantum Optics, China, 29 Mar. - 2 Apr., 1992.
87. J. S.
Uppal, W. Lu, A. Johnstone, and R. G. Harrison, "Generic chaotic behaviour
of stimulated Brillouin scattering in nonlinear dynamics in optical
systems," in OSA Proceedings on
Nonlinear Dynamics in Optical Systems, Vol. 7, N. B. Abraham, E. M. Garmire, and P. Mandel, eds. (Optical
Society of America, Washington, D.C., 1991), p. 558.
88. W. Lu
and R. G. Harrison, "Stable and dynamical feature of Raman
lasers," in OSA Proceedings on
Nonlinear Dynamics in Optical Systems, Vol. 7, N. B. Abraham, E. M. Garmire, and P. Mandel, eds. (Optical
Society of America, Washington, D.C., 1991), p. 351.
89. R. G.
Harrison, "Comments on lasing without inversion," presented at
the XXth Solvay Conference on Physics (Quantum Optics), Brussels, Belgium,
6-9 Nov., 1991.
90. R. G.
Harrison, "Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in coherently pumped 15NH3
laser," presented at the XIV International Conference on Coherent and
Nonlinear Optics, Leningrad,
USSR, 1991.
91. R. G.
Harrison, W. P. Lu, K. Jiad, and J. S. Uppal, "Pulsating instabilities
and chaos in Raman lasers," Proceedings of SPIE 1376, 94-102 (1991).
92. J. S.
Uppal, K. Jiad, and R. G. Harrison, "Pulsating instabilities and chaos
in coherently pumped 15NH3 laser," presented at the International
Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics, Hyderabad, India,
5-10 Jan., 1991.
93. R. G.
Harrison, J. S. Uppal, A. Johnstone, and W. Lu, "Generic instabilities
and chaos in stimulated scattering phenomenon," presented at the
International Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics, Hyderabad, India,
5-10 Jan., 1991.
94. J. S.
Uppal, A. Johnstone, W. Lu, and R. G. Harrison, "Instabilities and
chaos in optical fibres," presented at the International Workshop on
Lasers and Applications, Indore,
12-30 Nov., 1990.
95. J. S.
Uppal, W. Lu, and R. G. Harrison, "Bistable and sustained oscillatory
behaviour of coherently pumped three level CW laser," in Coherence and Quantum Optics VI, J. H. Eberly, L. Mandel, and E.
Wolf, eds. (Plenum Press, New York, 1990), pp. 1171-1176.
96. W. Lu,
R. G. Harrison, and P. K. Gupta, "Nonlinear dynamics of Raman lasers
in the good and bad cavity limit," in Coherence and Quantum Optics VI, J. H. Eberly, L. Mandel, and E. Wolf, eds. (Plenum Press, New
York, 1990), pp. 721-725.
97. W.
Forysiak, J. V. Moloney, and R. G. Harrison, "Local and global
bifurcations of optically-pumped three-level lasers," in Coherence and Quantum Optics VI, J. H. Eberly, L. Mandel, and E.
Wolf, eds. (Plenum Press, New York, 1990), pp. 315-319.
98. J. S.
Uppal, K. Jihad, G. D. Spiers, and R. G. Harrison, "Chirp free pulsed
injection seeding of laser oscillators for CO2 Doppler wind LIDAR
applications," in Technical
Digest of the 9th UK National Quantum Electronics Conference (Oxford,
UK, 1989), p. 179.
99. G. D.
Spiers, A. Sylvan, and R. G. Harrison, "A compact 1 kHz magnetically
switched TEA CO2 laser," in Technical
Digest of the 9th UK National Quantum Electronics Conference (Oxford,
UK, 1989), p. 150.
R. G. Harrison, W. Lu, and P. K. Gupta,
"Origin of pulsating instabilities and chaos in Raman lasers," in
Technical Digest of the 9th UK
National Quantum Electronics Conference (Oxford, UK, 1989), p. 118.
W. Forysiak, J. V. Moloney, and R. G. Harrison,
"Chaotic dynamics of three-level optically pumped lasers," in Technical Digest of the 9th UK National
Quantum Electronics Conference (Oxford, UK, 1989), p. 109.
J. S. Uppal, W. Lu, and R. G. Harrison,
"Bistable and sustained oscillatory behaviour in coherently pumped
three level lasers," in Technical
Digest of the 9th UK National Quantum Electronics Conference (Oxford,
UK, 1989), p. 108.
R. G. Harrison, J. V. Moloney, J. S. Uppal, and W.
Forysiak, "Analysis of instability and chaos in optically pumped three
level lasers," in Instabilities
and Chaos in Quantum Optics II, N.
B. Abraham, F. T. Arecchi, and L. A. Lugiato, eds. (Plenum Press, New York,
1988), pp. 53-68.
W. Forysiak, R. G. Harrison, J. V. Moloney, and J.
S. Uppal, "Parameterisation of spontaneous pulsations in optically
pumped molecular lasers," in Optical
Bistability IV, W. J. Firth,
N. Peyghambarian, and A. Tallet, eds. (Journal De Physique, Paris, 1988),
pp. 355-358.
G. D. Spiers, R. G. Harrison, and A. Sylvan,
"Compact TEA CO2 lasers," in Proceedings
of the International Conference on Lasers '87 (STS Press, 1988), pp.
R. G. Harrison, J. V. Moloney, and J. S. Uppal,
"Chaos and pulsating instabilities in lasers," in Computational Systems - Natural and
Artificial: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Synergetics at
Schloss Elmau, Bavaria, May 4-9, 1987, H. Haken, ed. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987), pp. 166-175.
R. G. Harrison and S. C. Mehendale,
"Spontaneous mode splitting and frequency shifting due to coherent
effects in OPML," in Optical
Chaos, Vol. 667 (SPIE, Bellingham, W.A., 1986), pp. 30-35.
S. C. Mehendale and R. G. Harrison,
"Pulsations in an optically pumped 12.08 mu m NH3 laser," Journal
of the Optical Society of America B 3(8),
P38-P39 (1986).
D. J. Biswas, R. G. Harrison, and J. V. Moloney,
"Demonstration of instabilities and chaos in a single longitudinal,
multitransverse mode CW CO2 laser," Journal of the Optical Society of
America B 3(8), P36-P38 (1986).
R. G. Harrison, D. J. Biswas, and I. A. Al-Saidi,
"Self-pulsing instabilities in a single mode homogeneously broadened
Raman laser," in Optical
Instabilities, R. W. Boyd, M.
G. Raymer, and L. M. Narducci, eds. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
1986), p. 321.
D. J. Biswas and R. G. Harrison, "Evidence of
mode splitting in a single mode homogeneously broadened Raman laser,"
in Optical Instabilities, R. W. Boyd, M. G. Raymer, and L. M.
Narducci, eds. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986), p. 227.
D. Tratt, A. K. Kar, R. G. Harrison, and N. R.
Heckenberg, "Operational characteristics of injection-locked TEA CO2
lasers," in Proceedings of the
International Conference on Lasers '85 (STS Press, 1986), pp. 667-676.
R. G. Harrison, W. J. Firth, I. A. Al-Saidi, and E.
Cummins, "Optical modulators and bistable devices using molecular
gases," in AGARD Conference
Proceedings: Digital Optical Circuit Technology, Vol. 362 (1985), pp.
R. G. Harrison and D. J. Biswas,
"Demonstration of self-pulsing instabilities in single mode
homogeneously broadened Raman laser," in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Laser
Spectroscopy (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1985), pp. 258-259.
R. G. Harrison and D. J. Biswas, "Optical
turbulence in mid IR optically pumped Raman lasers," presented at the
7th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy, Maui, Hawaii,
D. Tratt, A. K. Kar, and R. G. Harrison,
"Injection-locked single mode TEA CO2 lasers: Some recent measurements
and innovations," in Physics of
New Laser Sources, N. B. Abraham,
F. T. Arecchi, A. Mooradian, and A. Sona, eds. (Plenum Press, New York,
1985), pp. 343-353.
R. G. Harrison and H. N. Rutt, "Mid infrared
optically pumped molecular gas lasers," in Physics of New Laser Sources, N. B. Abraham, F. T. Arecchi, A. Mooradian, and A. Sona, eds.
(Plenum Press, New York, 1985), pp. 201-216.
R. G. Harrison, W. J. Firth, and I. A. Al-Saidi,
"Observation of period doubling to chaos in all-optical Fabry-Perot
resonators," Journal of the Optical Society of America B 1(3), 488-489 (1984).
R. G. Harrison, C. A. Emshary, I. A. Al-Saidi, and
W. J. Firth, "Observations of Ikeda instability and optical
bistability in an all optical resonator containing NH3 gas," in Optical Bistability II, C. M. Bowden, H. M. Gibbs, and S.
L. McCall, eds. (Plenum Press, New York, 1984), pp. 9-16.
W. J. Firth, E. Abraham, and R. G. Harrison,
"Multiparametric universal route to chaos in a Fabry-Perot
resonator," in Coherence and
Quantum Optics V, L. Mandel
and E. Wolf, eds. (Plenum Press, New York, 1984), pp. 200-206.
R. G. Harrison, "Infra-red laser induced
energy distributions in polyatomic molecules," in Laser Applications in Chemistry, K. L. Kompa and J. Wanner, eds. (Plenum Press, New York,
1984), pp. 141-149.
R. G. Harrison, "High power optically pumped
mid-infrared molecular gas lasers," in Laser Applications in Chemistry, K. L. Kompa and J. Wanner, eds. (Plenum Press, New York,
1984), pp. 25-33.
R. G. Harrison, A. K. Kar, D. Tratt, C. A. Emshary,
and S. D. Smith, "Anomalous polarisation coupling in TEA CO2
lasers," in Proceedings of the
International Conference on Lasers '82 (STS Press, 1983), pp. 632-635.
R. G. Harrison, A. K. Kar, D. Tratt, E. M. Wright,
W. J. Firth, and S. D. Smith, "Longitudinal mode selection in TEA CO2
lasers by injection locking," in Proceedings
of the International Conference on Lasers '82 (STS Press, 1983), pp.
M. R. Taghizadeh, A. K. Kar, R. G. Harrison, and P.
K. Gupta, "Analysis of multiple photon excitation and carbon isotope
separation of CF3I," in Quantum
Electronics and Electro-Optics: Proceedings of the 5th UK National Quantum
Electronics Conference, Hull, September, 1981, P. L. Knight, ed. (John Wiley, 1983), pp. 195-198.
R. G. Harrison, P. G. Harper, P. John, and M. R.
Humphries, "Non-thermal composition of cyclobutanone by IR multiple
photon excitation: Experiment and theory," in Quantum Electronics and Electro-Optics: Proceedings of the 5th UK
National Quantum Electronics Conference, Hull, September, 1981, P. L. Knight, ed. (John Wiley,
1983), pp. 171-174.
R. G. Harrison, P. K. Gupta, M. R. Taghizadeh, and
A. K. Kar, "Efficient mid IR generation by optically pumped molecular
lasers and difference frequency generation," in Quantum Electronics and Electro-Optics: Proceedings of the 5th UK
National Quantum Electronics Conference, Hull, September, 1981, P. L. Knight, ed. (John Wiley,
1983), pp. 143-146.
C. A. Emshary, W. J. Firth, R. G. Harrison, A. K.
Kar, J. G. H. Mathew, S. D. Smith, D. Tratt, and E. M. Wright,
"Longitudinal mode selection in TEA CO2 lasers by injection locking:
Experiment and theory," in Quantum
Electronics and Electro-Optics: Proceedings of the 5th UK National Quantum
Electronics Conference, Hull, September, 1981, P. L. Knight, ed. (John Wiley, 1983), pp. 59-62.
A. K. Kar, R. G. Harrison, C. A. Emshary, D. M.
Tratt, and S. D. Smith, "Anomalous polarization coupling in TEA CO2
lasers," Applied Physics B 29(3),
145-146 (1982).
R. G. Harrison, M. R. Taghizadeh, A. K. Kar, and P.
K. Gupta, "Efficient multikilowatt mid infrared difference frequency
generated in CdGeAs2," Applied Physics B 28(2-3), 237-238 (1982).
P. G. Harper, R. G. Harrison, M. R. Humphries, and
P. John, "Non-equilibrated energy distribution in polyatomic gases:
MPD of cyclobutanone," Applied Physics B 28(2-3), 185-186 (1982).
R. G. Harrison, P. K. Gupta, M. R. Taghizadeh, and
A. K. Kar, "12.8 mu m NH3 laser emission with up to 30% energy
conversion and 40-60% power conversion efficiencies," IEEE Journal of
Quantum Electronics 17(12), 2438
P. John, M. R. Humphries, R. G. Harrison, I.
Mackie, and P. Harper, "Non-thermal decomposition of cyclobutanone by
IR multiple-photon excitation," Journal of Photochemistry 17(1-2), 58-59 (1981).
R. G. Harrison, H. L. Hawkins, P. John, and R. Leo,
"Infrared laser multiple-photon dissociation of cylobutanone," in
Lasers Advances and Applications
(John Wiley, Chichester, 1980), pp. 169-172.
V. Starov, C. Steel, S. R. Butcher, R. G. Harrison,
P. John, and R. Leo, "Excitation of ammonia in the megawatt region using
a CO2 laser," in Laser-Induced
Process in Molecules: Proceedings of the EPS Divisional Conference at
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 20-22, 1978, K. L. Kompa and S. D. Smith, eds.
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1979), pp. 201-204.
C. Steel, V. Starov, P. John, R. G. Harrison, and
R. Leo, "IR laser sensitised chemical reactions of polyatomic
molecules," in Laser-Induced
Process in Molecules: Proceedings of the EPS Divisional Conference at
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 20-22, 1978, K. L. Kompa and S. D. Smith, eds.
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1979), pp. 198-200.
S. R. Butcher, R. G. Harrison, and R. A. Wood,
"Tunable infrared generation from four-wave mixing in room-temperature
germanium," in Laser-Induced
Process in Molecules: Proceedings of the EPS Divisional Conference at
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 20-22, 1978, K. L. Kompa and S. D. Smith, eds.
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1979), pp. 32-34.
W. J. Firth and R. G. Harrison, "Laser 77:
Opto-electronics. Report on the 3rd
National Quantum Electronics Conference," Optics and Laser Technology 9(6), 291-292 (1977).
R. G. Harrison, F. A. Al-Watban, W. J. Firth, J. G.
Crowder, C. R. Pidgeon, and S. D. Smith, "Optical pumping processes in
NH3," in Lasers in Chemistry, M. West, ed. (Elsevier, 1977), pp.
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