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Journal Information

Online Journals:

See HW Library

See ScienceDirect

See IEEE Xplore

1.      Physical Review A, B, C, D, E, Letters and Review of Modern Physics

Phys. Rev. A Volumes (2000-Present)

Phys. Rev. E Volumes (2000-Present)

Phys. Rev. Lett. Volumes (2000-Present)

Rev. Mod. Phys. Volumes (2000-Present)

PROLA (1893-1999)

2.      Physics Letters A

Volumes (1967-Present)

3.      Physics Reports - A Review Section of Physics Letters

Volumes (1971-Present)

4.      Physica D

Volumes (1980-Present)

5.      Europhysics Letters

Volumes (1996-Present)

6.      International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos

Volumes (1997-Present)

7.      Chaos

Volumes (1991-Present)

8.      Chaos, Solitons and Fractals

Volumes (1991-Present)

9.      Optics Communications

Volumes (1969-Present)

10.  Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics

Volumes (1999-Present)

11.  Optics Letters, JOSA A, JOSA B, Applied Optics and Optics Express

12.  Progress in Quantum Electronics

Volumes (1969-Present)

1.      Journal of The Franklin Institute

Volumes (1828-Present)

2.      International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance

Volumes (1998-Present)

3.      Studies of Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE)

Volumes (1996-Present)

4.      SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Volumes (1996-Present)

5.      The Journal of Clinical Investigation

Volumes (1996-Present)

6.      Annals of Biomedical Engineering

Volumes (1998-Present)

7.      Biophysical Journal

Volumes (1976-Present)

8.      Signal Processing

Volumes (1979-Present)

9.      SPIE Journals

10.  IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics

Volumes (1965-Present)

CRC Handbooks Online:

Engineering Handbooks Online

Mathematics Handbooks Online

General Journal Information:

1.      Nature

2.      APS Journals (Physical Review A, B, C, D, E and Letters)

PACS Numbers

Manuscript Electronic Submission

Electronic Author Status Inquiry System

1.      Journals, Books, Book Series and Dictionaries in Physics in Elsevier Science

2.      Wiley Series In Nonlinear Science

3.      Taylor & Francis Journals

Journal of Modern Optics

Dynamical Systems (formerly Dynamics & Stability of Systems)

Contemporary Physics

1.      IOP Journals

Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics


Inverse Problems

2.      OSA Journals



Optics Letters

Journal of Lightwave Technology

Journal of Optical Technology

3.      World Scientific

International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos

International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (Leeds)

International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance

4.      AIP Journals

Applied Physics Letters

Journal of Applied Physics

American Journal of Physics

5.      EDP Sciences Journals

Annales de Physique

Europhysics Letters

6.      MAIK Journals

7.      Kvantovaya Elektronika or Quantum Electronics

8.      Regular and Chaotic Dynamics

9.      Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems

10.  Nonlinear Science Today

11.  ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Medical Journals:

1.      The Canadian Journal of Cardiology

2.      The Online Journal of Cardiology

1.      The American Journal of Cardiology

2.      International Journal of Cardiology

3.      Clinical Cardiology

4.      Circulation Research Online

5.      The Journal of Physiology

6.      American Heart Journal

7.      Journal of Invasive Cardiology

8.      European Heart Journal

9.      Biological Cybernetics

10.  IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering

11.  The New England Journal of Medicine

12.  The Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology

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Department of Physics
School of EPS
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
EH14 4AS, United Kingdom

Tel: +44(0) 131 451 3025

Last Updated: 19/05/2006 13:57

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