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Interdisciplinary Link Worldwide

This is an interdisciplinary web link. For UN nonlinear sites, please visit UK Nonlinear Link in Nonlinear Dynamics Group Page. This link is not complete and many important pages have not been included. Any suggestions and recommendations are welcome. In writting this link, many relavent home pages are used. We wish to thank those contributors for their efforts.


Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity

Main Source

  1. Applied Chaos Group at McDermott Technology Inc. (USA) (Link Here
  2. Applied Chaos Laboratory at Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) (Link Here
  3. Applied Mathematics at University of Colorado (USA) (Link Here
  4. Applied Nonlinear Mathematics Group at University of Bristol (ENGLAND) (Link Here
  5. Applied Nonlinear Sciences, LLC of San Diego, California (USA) (Link Here
  6. Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics and Non-linear Systems Research Group at University of Cambridge (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  7. Basic Research Institute in the Mathematical Sciences at Hewlett-Packard, Bristol (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  8. Blueberry Brain Institute and Chaos Cooperative (?) (USA) (Link Here
  9. Bioengineering Research Group (New Zealand) (Link Here
  10. Centre for Applied Dynamics and Optimization (Austrilia) (Link Here)
  11. Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at University of Maribor (SLOVENIA) (Link Here)
  12. Center for Chaos and Turbulence Studies at Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen (DENMARK) (Link Here
  13. Center for Complex Systems at Florida Atlantic University (USA) (Link Here
  14. Center for Complex Systems Research at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (USA) (Link Here
  15. Center for Dynamical Systems at Pennsylvania State University (USA) (Link Here
  16. Center for Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Studies at Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) (Link Here)
  17. Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Nonlinear Dynamics at Potsdam University (GERMANY) (Link Here
  18. Center for Neurodynamics at University of Missouri, St. Louis (USA) (Link Here
  19. Center for Nonlinear and Complex Systems at Duke University (USA) (Link Here
  20. Center for Nonlinear Dynamics at University of Texas, Austin (USA) (Link Here
  21. Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA) (Link Here
  22. Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics and its Applications at University College, London (ENGLAND) (Link Here
  23. Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics in Physiology and Medicine at McGill University (CANADA) (Link Here
  24. Centre for Nonlinear Studies at University of Leeds (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  25. Chaos and Atomic Physics Group at Department of Physics, Harvard University (USA) (Link Here
  26. Chaos and Complexity at Cornell University (USA) (Link Here
  27. Chaos & Complexity Theory in Education (Special Interest Group of American Educational Research Association) (USA) (Link Here
  28. Chaos and Dynamical Systems Research Group at Department of Physics, Bogazici University (TURKEY) (Link Here
  29. Chaos and Systems Research Group at Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Vienna (AUSTRIA) (Link Here
  30. Chaos Applications Group at Engineering Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA) (Link Here)
  31. Chaos Center at Visual Math Institute (USA) (Link Here)
  32. Chaos Group at Technical University of Denmark (DENMARK) (Link Here
  33. Chaos Group at Technical University of Munich (GERMANY) (Link Here
  34. Chaos Group at University of Maryland, College Park (USA) (Link Here
  35. Chaos Group at Visual Information Processing Laboratory, University of Tsukuba (JAPAN) (Link Here
  36. Chaos Research Group at College of Engineering, University of Tennesssee, Knoxville (USA) (Link Here)
  37. Chaos Research Group at Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Akron (USA) (Link Here

  38. Chaos Theory Group at University of Kansas (USA) (Link Here)
  39. Chaos Theory Group at University of Western Australia (AUSTRALIA) (Link Here)
  40. Chemical Reactor Engineering Group at Department of Chemical Process Technology, Technical University of Delft (NETHERLANDS) (Link Here)
  41. Chuchi Server at University of Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA) (Link Here
  42. Combustion and Spray Dynamics Research by J.A. Drallmeier and R.M. Wagner at Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, University of Missouri-Rolla (USA) (Link Here
  43. Combustion Chaos Group at University of Houston and University of Texas, San Antonio (USA) (Link Here
  44. Communications Research Laboratory at McMaster University (CANADA) (Link Here
  45. Complex Systems Group at Carl von Ossietzsky University, Oldenburg (GERMANY) (Link Here)
  46. Complex Systems Laboratory at Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville (USA) (Link Here
  47. Complexity Research Project (Link Here)
  48. Computational Physics Laboratory at Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (VENEZUELA) (Link Here
  49. Condensed Matter Theory Group at Department of Applied Physics, Yale University (USA) (Link Here)
  50. Department of Applied Mathematics at Rand Afrikaans University (SOUTH AFRICA) (Link Here
  51. Department of Engineering at Queen Mary and Westfied College (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  52. Department of Mathematics at Heriot-Watt University (SCOTLAND) (Link Here)
  53. Department of Physics of Complex Systems at Weizmann Institute of Science (ISRAEL) (Link Here)
  54. Discrete Dynamical Systems at University of Illinois, Chicago (USA) (Link Here
  55. Drittes Physikalisches Institut, Schwingungsphysik (Vibration and Waves), University of Göttingen (GERMANY) (Link here)
  56. Dynamical Systems at Institute for Mathematical Sciences, State University of New York, Stony Brook (USA) (Link Here)
  57. Dynamical Systems Group at Boston University (USA) (Link Here
  58. Dynamical Systems Group at School of Mathematical Sciences at Queen Mary and Westfield College (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  59. Dynamical Systems Group at UMIST (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  60. Dynamical Systems Group at University of Wuppertal (GERMANY) (Link Here
  61. Dynamics Home Page: Numerical Explorations (Link Here)
  62. Edinburgh Multidisciplinary Consortium at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (Scotland) (Link Here)
  63. Epstein Research Group at Department of Chemistry, Brandeis University (USA) (Link Here
  64. Fluid Mechanics Group at Department of Civil and Transport Engineering, Napier University (SCOTLAND) (Link Here)
  65. Group for Studies of Dynamical Structures in Chemistry at University of Copenhagen (DENMARK) (Link Here
  66. Jonckheere's Research Group at Department of Electrical Engineering-Systems, University of Southern California (USA) (Link Here
  67. Institute for Nonlinear Science at University of California, San Diego (USA) (Link Here
  68. Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences at University of Cambridge (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  69. Laboratory for Materials Processing and Industrial Mixing at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University (USA) (Link Here
  70. Laboratory for Mixing Studies at Department of Chemical Engineering, Northwestern University (USA) (Link Here
  71. Laboratory of Control of Complex Systems at Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering, Academy of Sciences of Russia (RUSSIA) (Link Here
  72. Laboratory of Chaotic Systems Engineering at Hokkaido University (JAPAN) (Link Here
  73. Laboratory of Nonlinear Dynamics at Department of Physics, Saratov State University (RUSSIA) (Link Here
  74. Lancaster Nonlinear Group at University of Lancaster (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  75. Marc A. Murison, astronomer at Astronomical Applications Department, United States Naval Observatory (USA) (Link Here
  76. Material Physics Branch at Material Science and Components Technology Directorate, Naval Research Laboratory (USA) (Link Here
  77. Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (USA) (Link Here
  78. Mathematics Group at University of Kent (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  79. Masahiro Nakagawa Laboratory at Nagaoka University of Technology (JAPAN) (Link Here
  80. Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physcis, Heidelberg (GERMANY) (Link Here)
  81. Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden (GERMANY) (Link Here
  82. Motion Analysis Laboratory at NeuroMuscular Research Center, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston University (USA) (Link Here
  83. Nonlinear Dynamics Group at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (Scotland) (Link Here)
  84. Nonlinear and Complex Systems Group at Loughborough University (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  85. Nonlinear and Complex Systems Laboratory at Pohang University of Science and Technology (KOREA) (Link Here
  86. Nonlinear Centre at University of Cambridge (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  87. Nonlinear Dynamics at Auburn University (USA) (Link Here
  88. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos at Department of Physics and Astronomy, McMaster University (CANADA) (Link Here
  89. Nonlinear Dynamics Group at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz (GERMANY) (Link Here
  90. Nonlinear Dynamics Group at Potsdam University (GERMANY) (Link Here
  91. Nonlinear Dynamics Group at Salamanca (Spain) (Link Here)
  92. Nonlinear Dynamics in Ferromagnetic Resonance at Ohio State University (USA) (Link Here
  93. Nonlinear Dynamics Laboratory at Department of Physics, University of Miami (Florida) (USA) (Link Here
  94. Nonlinear Dynamics Research Group at Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University (USA) (Link Here
  95. Nonlinear Dynamics Research Group at Institute of Physics, University of Frankfurt (GERMANY) (Link Here
  96. Nonlinear Mathematics Research Group at University of Surrey (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  97. Nonlinear Modeling and Data Analysis Group at Institute for Pure and Applied Physical Sciences, University of California, San Diego (USA) (Link Here
  98. Nonlinear Physics Group at Institute for Applied Physics, Technical University of Darmstadt (GERMANY) (Link Here
  99. Nonlinear Science and Statistical Physics at Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies, University of the Balearic Islands (SPAIN) (Link Here
  100. Nonlinear Systems Analysis Group at Leiden University (NETHERLANDS) (Link Here
  101. Nonlinear Systems and Chaos Research at Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University (USA) (Link Here)
  102. Non Linear Systems Engineering at University College, Dublin (IRELAND) (Link Here
  103. Nonlinear Systems Group at Department of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) (Link Here
  104. Nuclear Solid-body Physics Group at Philipps University Marburg (GERMANY) (Link Here)
  105. Pattern Formation and Nonlinear Dynamics at Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's (CANADA) (Link Here
  106. Quantum Chaos and Superconductivity Group at Northeastern University (USA) (Link Here)
  107. Quantum Chaos Group at Institute for Nuclear Physics, Technical University of Darmstadt (GERMANY) (Link Here
  108. Quantum Chaos Group at University of Ulm (GERMANY) (Link Here)
  109. Randle, Inc. of Great Falls, Virginia (USA) (Link Here
  110. Researchers at University of Hull (ENGLAND) (Link Here
  111. Research group of Prof. Felipe Barbedo Rizzato at the Institute of Physics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sol (BRAZIL) (Link Here
  112. R. Morley Inc. of Milford, New Hampshire (USA) (Link Here
  113. Santa Cruz Institute of Nonlinear Science (USA) (Link Here
  114. Santa Fe Institute (USA) (Link Here
  115. Schuster-Radons Group at Department of Theoretical Physics, Christian Albrecht University, Kiel (GERMANY) (Link Here
  116. Signal Processing and Control Group at Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton (ENGLAND) (Link Here)
  117. Signals and Systems Group at Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Edinburgh (SCOTLAND) (Link Here)
  118. Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and the Life Sciences (USA) (Link Here
  119. Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (USA) (Link Here
  120. Solid State and Chaos Group at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (HUNGARY) (Link Here
  121. Space Mechanics Group at Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa (ITALY) (Link Here
  122. Student Nonlinear Physics Research Group at Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University (POLAND) (Link Here
  123. System and Control Group at Electrical, Electronic and Systemistic Department, University of Catania (ITALY) (Link Here
  124. Time Series, Chaos and Applications Study Group, Royal Statistical Society (UK) (Link Here
  125. Turbulence, Nonlinear Dynamics and Colloidal Systems Group of Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics, Technical University of Eindhoven (NETHERLANDS) (Link Here
  126. University Chaos Group at University for Renewable Natural Resources, Vienna (AUSTRIA) (Link Here
  127. Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics at Kyoto University (JAPAN) (Link Here

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Nonlinear Time Series Analysis

Main Source


·        The Dynamical Systems Group Wuppertal: T. Schreiber (et al.)

·        Group of H.Kantz at the MPI f&uumlr Physik Komplexer Systeme, Dresden

·        AG Nichtlineare Dynamik Potsdam: J. Kurths (et al.)

·        Jens Timmer, Freiburg

·        Group of H.G. Schuster, Kiel

·        Peter Grassberger, Jülich

·        Higher-order-statistics Homepage, from Dieter Boss, Bremen


·        Robert G. Harrison & Dejin Yu, Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh

·        Leonard Smith, Oxford

·        Dave Broomhead, UMIST, Manchester

·        Jaroslav Stark, ULC, London

·        Howell Tong, Kent


·        Dimitris Kugiumtzis, Oslo, Norway

·        Milan Palus, Praha, Czech Republic

·        Karin Vibe-Rheymer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland

·        Remo Badii, Villigen, Villigen, Switzerland

·        Predrag Cvitanovic, Copenhagen, Denmark (See USA)

·        Gernot Kubin, Wien, Austria

·        <>Nonlinear Systems Analysis Group at Leiden University: J. DeGoede (et al.), Holland


·        The Maryland group: C. Grebogi, E. Ott, J. Yorke (et al.)

·        Santa Fe Institute

·        Center for Nonlinear Studies, Los Alamos

·        Nicholas Tufillaro , Los Alamos

·        James Theiler, Los Alamos

·        James P. Crutchfield, Los Alamos

·        Program for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan: R.Savit, M.Casdagli (et al.)

·        Henry Abarbanel, La Jolla

·        Tim Sauer, Fairfax

·        Danny Kaplan, St.Paul

·        Radu Manuca, Ann Arbor

·        G. Mayer-Kress, Urbana

·        William Brock, Blake LeBaron
Julian Sprott, University of Wisconsin, Madison

·        Keith Clayton, Nashville

·        Stephen P. Ellner, Raleigh

·        Zhan-Quian Lu, Boulder

·        UT Austin Center for Nonlinear Dynamics: H Swinney (et al.)

·        Applied Chaos Laboratory at Georgia Tech.: W.Ditto (et al.)

·        P.E. Rapp, Philadelphia

·        A.M. Albano, Bryn Mawr

·        Te-Won Lee, Salk Institute

·        Predrag Cvitanovic, Northwestern University, USA (See Europe: Others)


·        Ramo Gencay, Windsor, Canada

·        Nonlinear time series group at Buenos Aires: G.Ortega, G.Mindlin (et al.)


·        Itamar Procaccia, Rehovot, Isreal

·        Dynamics Laboratory, Haifa, Isreal


·        A.Mees, K.Judd, University of Western Australia, Australia


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·        EDINFO - The University of Edinburgh's Information Service

·        RWTH Aachen Institut für Medizinische Informatik und Biometrie, Germany

·        Center for Advanced Medical Informatics at Stanford

·        Columbia University Department of Medical Informatics

·        Duke Medical Informatics

·        University of Florida Medical Informatics

·        Georgia Institute of Technology Medical Informatics

·        Institute for Medical Informatics at Hildesheim University, Germany

·        Karolinska Institute for Medical Informatics & Pedagogic, Sweden

·        University of Limburg, Maastricht Medical Informatics

·        Medical Informatics Home Page of the Netherlands

·        University of Miami Medical Informatics

·        Monash University Medical Informatics

·        University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) Medical Informatics

·        Medical Informatics Laboratory, University of Pavia, Italy

·        University of Pittsburgh Section of Medical Informatics

·        University of Rochester Division of Medical Informatics

·        Vanderbilt University Informatics Center

·        The Medical College of Wisconsin Division of Medical Informatics

·        Wisconsin Medical Informatics and Decision Science Consortium

·        Harvard Decision Systems Group

·        Yale Center for Medical Informatics

·        Yale Center for Advanced Instructional Media

·        Primary Care Informatics Home Page

·        Eastern & Central European Medical Informatics Home Page

·        CEN TC251 Server, CEN/TC 251 Working Documents

·        Search results for Medical Informatics , WAIS index to many internet sites

·        MEDICAL MATRIX- GUIDE TO INTERNET MEDICAL RESOURCES , a comprehensive index to medical sites (Web, Gopher, FTP)

·        MSDS Healthcare Standards Home Page , health informatics standards (eg UN/EDIFACT)

·        MIG Home page , Manchester Medical Informatics Group

·        WWW and the Electronic Medical Record , Using browsers to create interactive EMR

·        Telemedicine Resources and Services , University of Texas at Austin

·        H&MID, Health & Medical Informatics Digest - a bi-monthly Email magazine (Ezine) in HTML format

·        GP-UK Homepage, Listserver covers activity in Primary Care Informatics & health related topics

·        Fam-Med: Information Technology in Family Medicine, Listserver (mainly USA)

·        Health:Medicine:Computing, Websites found by the Yahoo webcrawler

·        Informatics, The Journal of Informatics in Primary Care - Index & Articles online.

·        British Medical Journal, Inaugural issue on Medical Informatics

·        Medical Informatics Newsgroup

·        WWW-links in Germany

·        Klinikum, RWTH Aachen

·        Medizinische Fakultät, Universität Bochum

·        Medical Center, Institute of Medical Statistics, Documentation and Dataprocessing, University of Bonn

·        Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany, Düsseldorf

·        Medizinische Fakultät, Universität Erlangen

·        Fachbereich Medizin, Universität Essen

·        Medizinische Fakultät, Universität Frankfurt

·        Fachbereich Humanmedizin, Universität Giessen

·        Klinikum, Universität Göttingen

·        Max-Planck-Institut für experimentelle Medizin, Göttingen

·        Medizinische Fakultät

·        Reinhold Haux, Universität Heidelberg

·        Max-Planck-Institut für medizinische Forschung, Heidelberg

·        Medizinische Fakultät, Universität Köln

·        Medizinischen Dienste im InterNet, Medical System Munich

·        Medizinische Fakultät, Universtität Magdeburg

·        Medizinische Fakultät, Universität München

·        EFMI, European Federation for Medical Informatics

·        IMIA , nternational Medical Informatics Association

·        AMIA , American Medical Informatics Association

·        WHO , The World Health Organisation

·        European Union AIM-2 Projects, The European Community Programmes related to the Information Market: AIM 2

·        The British Computer Society

·        The Primary Health Care Specialist Group of the British Computer Society

·        Sowerby Unit for Primary Care Informatics - Home Page, University of Newcastle research unit

·        Institute for Health Informatics, Aberystwyth , University of Wales research unit

·        The Health Systems Group, US alliance of experienced health care managers.

·        American Health Information Management Association

·        American Medical Informatics Association

·        Institute for Health Informatics, University of Wales, Aberystwyth

·        Laboratory of Health Informatics of the University of Athens

·        Center for Advanced Medical Informatics at Stanford

·        Columbia University Department of Medical Informatics

·        Duke Medical Informatics

·        Eastern & Central European Medical Informatics homepage

·        Department of Medical Informatics, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

·        European Federation of Medical Informatics Primary Care Web Page

·        University of Florida Medical Informatics

·        University Hospital of the Freiburg University, Germany

·        Georgia Institute of Technology Medical Informatics

·        Institute for Medical Informatics at Hildesheim University

·        Journal of Informatics in Primary Care

·        Karolinska Institute for Medical Informatics & Pedagogic, Sweden

·        University of Limburg, Maastricht Medical Informatics

·        Medical Informatics Team at the University of Louisville

·        Medical Informatics at the Technical University of Madrid, Spain

·        Massachusetts Institute of Technology Medical Informatics

·        The Medical Records Institute

·        University of Miami Medical Informatics

·        Monash University Medical Informatics

·        Medical Informatics Home Page of the Netherlands

·        Biomedical Informatics at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

·        University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) Medical Informatics

·        Nursing Informatics at AMIA

·        Oregon Health Sciences University Medical Informatics

·        Medical Informatics Laboratory, University of Pavia, Italy

·        University of Pittsburgh Section of Medical Informatics

·        Primary Health Care Specialist Group of the British Computer Society

·        University of Rochester Division of Medical Informatics

·        Texas A&M University, Medical Informatics

·        University of Utah Department of Medical Informatics

·        Vanderbilt University Informatics Center

·        University of Victoria School of Health Information Science

·        VNI Informatics, University of Virginia Neurosurgery

·        The Medical College of Wisconsin Division of Medical Informatics

·        Yale Center for Medical Informatics

·        Cardiology Compass

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Neural Networks

1.      Neural Network and Neuroscience Labs around the World (highly recommended page)

2.      Neural Network Conferences

3.      Neuroprose Archive at Ohio-State

4.      Neuroscience Web Search (>55,000 pages)

5.      Neural Computation abstracts

6.      Bibliography Search at Arizona

7.      Biblio Neural Network Query at OFAI in Austria

8.      Bibliographies on Neural Networks at Karlsruhe

9.      FAQ for the comp.ai.neural-nets newsgroup

10.  David Mackay's FAQ on Bayesian Methods

11.  Neural Networks Archive at the London & South-East Centre for High Performance Computing

12.  NeuroDimension Applications Corner

13.  Neural Processing Letters

14.  Neural Computing Research Group at Aston

15.  Neural Computing Research Group at Bristol

16.  Neural Web at Aberdeen

17.  Centre for Neural Networks at King's College London.

18.  NeuroNet also at King's College London

19.  Neural Computing Centre at Keio University (Shonan Fujisawa campus)

20.  OFAI NN Group in Austria

21.  Neural Net Speech Group at Carnegie Mellon

22.  NIPS Page also at CMU

23.  Center for Biological and Computational Learning at MIT

24.  CI&E Group at Pacific Northwest Laboratory

25.  UCL-DICE NeuralNet Group

26.  FG Neuronale Netzwerke at Kassel

27.  DSI Neural Networks group at Florence

28.  UCSD NeuroWeb Home Page

29.  Centre for Neuro-Mimetic Systems (MANTRA) at Lausanne

30.  Computer Science NN Home Page at Austin, Texas

31.  AI, Cognitive Science and Robotics WWW Resource Page at UCL

32.  Dept. of Computer Systems, Robotics and Neurocomputing at Amsterdam

33.  Artificial Intelligence Subject Index (NN section)

34.  Neural Adaptive Control Technology (NACT) at Glasgow

35.  Cortex group at CRIN-INRIA, Lorraine

36.  Neural Network Information, at Eindhoven University of Tecgnology, Holland

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Main Source

·        Meta-Sites

o       Mathsoft: Wavelet Resouces
This site contains broad information, theory, application and software (Visit it !)

o       Wavelet Resources (Dept of Mathematics, Salzburg University).

o       Steve Baum's Wavelet Resources.

o       Wavelet NetCare at Washington University-St. Louis.

o       U of Tenn Mathematics Archives - Topics in Mathematics Fourier and Wavelet Analysis.

o       Internet Wavelets Resources

·        Research Institutions, Groups, and Programs

o       UC Berkeley Wavelet Group.

o       Wavelet Movies, Papers, and Software at Yale University. 

o       Wavelet Music Research from the Center for Studies in Music Technoloy at Yale U.

o       Wavelets at University of Bristol. 

o       Dept. of Applied Science at Lawrence Livermore Wavelet Page.

o       CMRG Wavelet Page (Dept. of Engr., U of Aberdeen, Scotland).

o       The Wavelet Project at Intelligent Engineering Systems Laboratory, MIT.

o       Nonlinear Wavelet-based Processing at Rice University.

o       Wavelet Group at Karlsruhe, Germany.

o       Wavelet Group at Bell Labs, Murray Hill, NJ.

o       Multirate Signal Processing Page at Univ of WI, Madison.

o       Wavelet Seismic Inversion Lab at Co. School of Mines.

o       The Wavelet Project at National Institute of Space Research, Brazil.

o       Dartmouth Wavelet Warriors Home Page.

o       Wavelets for Texture Analysis at University of Antwerp.

o       PHASE group (Japan) Home Page.

o       Applied Mathematics Group.

o       Matching Pursuit Video Coding References and Links.

o       Wavelet Methods for ECG/EEG Visualization.

·        Companies

o       Aware's Wavelet Products (chips, software etc.).

o       Fastman's Wavelet Music Compression Technology.

o       Infinop Wavelet Compression.

o       Prosoniq Products (wavelet-based software for the art world).

·        Individuals (Specialities)

o       Ingrid Daubechies Home Page. 

o       Chris Brislawn's Fingerprint WSQ Compression Info.

o       Mac A. Cody's Home Page. 

o       Rich Lorey - Multiscale Edge-Detection with Wavelets.

o       Berndtgen's Wavelets and Cluster Analysis.

Compression Register

o                                                        Jo Yew's Wavelet and Image Compression Page.

o                                                        Peter De Gersem's Wavelet/Music Bookmarks.

o                                                        Ronald Spencer - Gabor Wavelets.

o                                                        Jelena Kovacevic - Various Wavelet Resources.

o                                                        Roberto Cesar - Multiscale Shape Representation.

o                                                        Wim Sweldens- Wavelet Digest and other Wavelet Resources.

o                                                        Cameron Jones - Wavelets and Fractal Dimension.

o                                                        Sheikh Pancham - Wavelets and Financial Markets.

o                                                        Anthony Davis - Wavelets in Geophysical Processes.

o                                                        Ali N. Akansu - Multiresolution Signal Decomposition.

o                                                        Corey Cheng - Wavelet Signal Processing of Digital Audio.

o                                                        Peter Meijer - Auditory Wavelets.

o                                                        John McGowan - Wavelet Based Video Codecs.

o                                                        Philip Hughes - Analysis of UMRAO Database with Wavelets.

·                                 Some Demonstrations

o                                CWT demonstration at University of Colorado.

o                                JAVA Wavelet Side Show by Mathworks.

o                                Wavelet Image Compression Examples by Wayne Hollyoak.

o                                Wavelet Image Compression Example by RMA-ELEC.

o                                Wavelet Packet Image Compression Demo by Smith and Chang, Columbia U.

o                                Wavelet Construction of the Twin Dragon (JAVA applet) by Kovacevic.

o                                Wavelet Cascade (JAVA applet) by Sweldens.

o                                The Rice DSP Group Wavelet JAVA Page.

o                                Some JAVA Applets by Daniel Lemire

o                                Wavelet forum page at Ondelette

o                                Wavelets, Argentina.

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Nonlinear Economics/Finance

1.      Andrews University School of Business

2.      Australian Graduate School of Management (University of New South Wales)

3.      Boise State University College of Business

4.      Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota

5.      Carnegie Mellon Graduate School of Industrial Administration

6.      Columbia University

7.      Copenhagen Business School

8.      Dalhousie University, Faculty of Management

9.      Duke University

10.  Edinburgh University Department of Business Studies

11.  Edinburgh Management School

12.  Edwin L. Cox School of Business (Southern Methodist University)

13.  Florida State University College of Business

14.  Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley

15.  Harvard University

o       Harvard Business School Publishing

o       Harvard Business School Technology and Operations Management Group

16.  Heriot-Watt University, Esmée Fairbairn Research Centre

17.  Imperial College London Management School

18.  Indiana University

19.  Jerusalem School of Business Administration (Hebrew University)

20.  Johnson Graduate School of Management (Cornell University)

21.  Kellogg Graduate School of Management (Northwestern University) [gopher]

22.  Krannert School of Management (Purdue University)

23.  London Business School

24.  M.J. Neeley School of Business (Texas Christian University)

25.  Maryland Business School (University of Maryland)

26.  Max M. Fisher College Of Business (Ohio State University)

27.  Helsinki Business Polytechnic

28.  Macquarie University Graduate School of Management

29.  Nijenrode University Business School

30.  Ohio State University College of Business

31.  Owen Graduate School of Management (Vanderbilt University)

32.  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Management

33.  Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology - Business Faculty

34.  Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)

35.  Simon Fraser University Faculty of Business Administration

36.  Sloan School of Management (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

37.  Stanford University Graduate School of Business

38.  Stern School at New York University

o       NYU Stern School Information Systems Department

39.  Swansea University European Business Management School

40.  THESEUS Institute

41.  TSM Business School

42.  Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College

43.  University of Birmingham School of Business

44.  < Los California, of>

45.  University of Canterbury Department of Management

46.  University of Chicago Graduate School of Business

47.  University of Cincinnati College of Business Administration

48.  University of Houston College of Business Administration

49.  University of Iowa College of Business Administration

o       Business and Liberal Arts Placement Office

o       Iowa Electronic Markets

o       Student Organizations

50.  University of Michigan School of Business Administration

51.  University of North Carolina at Charlotte - Belk College of Business Administration

52.  University of Northern Iowa College of Business Administration

53.  University of Melbourne Department of Economics

54.  University of Plymouth Business School

55.  University of St. Gallen Institute for Information Management

56.  University of Strathclyde Department of Management

57.  University of Texas at Austin Graduate School of Business

58.  University of Texas at Austin Graduate School of Business

o       UT-Austin Department of Finance Home Page

o       FINWeb - the Financial Economics Home Page

o       RISKWeb - the RISKNet (Risk and Insurance) Home Page

o       RTSWeb - the Risk Theory Society Home Page

o       American Risk and Insurance Association Home Page

o       Center for Cybernetic Studies

o       Center for Information Systems Management

o       RMIWeb - the UT-Austin Risk Management and Insurance Program Home Page

o       Information Impact Management (IIM) Home Page

o       Information Systems Management (ISM) Home Page

o       KiwiClubWeb Server

o       UT-Austin MBA World Wide Web Services

59.  University of Waikato School of Management Studies

60.  Virginia Graduate School College of Business

61.  University of Washington School of Business Administration

62.  Weatherhead School of Management (Case Western Reserve University)

63.  Western Business School at the University of Western Ontario

64.  Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

o       Compstat - Statistics Department

o       ANet - The International Accounting Network

o       BSCHOOLWeb: Marr's Official Rating Guide To Business School Webs

o       Harvard University - Other Business Schools

o       Harvard University - Some Business Research Servers

o       Internal Auditing World Wide Web Server

o       Search results for Management Science and Information Systems

o       Sloan School of Management - Business Schools on the Web

o       Tuck School of Business Administration - Business School Links

o       University of Texas - Business Links

o       US Academy of Management - Business Policy and Strategy Division

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Medical Sits on Hearts

1.      British Heart Foundation

2.      Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

3.      European Society of Cardiology

4.      Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology

5.      Tachyarrhythmia Management

6.      Spatiotemporal evolution of VF

7.      ACLS Algorithm

8.      Controlling Chaos in the Heart

9.      Experimental Cardiology Group at The University of North CarolinaVF

10.  Guidance

11.  Visible Human

12.  Johan Nicolaas Herbschleb

13.  Advanced Life Support - The Definitive Treatment of Cardiac Arrest

14.  Cardiac Science

15.  Cardiac Science, Inc.

16.  Cardiac Arrest Recognition

17.  Cardiac Arrest Software

18.  BBC Education Helath: Heart

19.  Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oxford

20.  The ECG library

21.  12-lead ECG library homepag


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·        Prof. Henry D. I. Abarbanel

·        Prof. Govind P. Agrawal

·        Prof. William A. Barnett, See Barnett's Recent Working Papers

·        Prof. Donald E. Beasley

·        Prof. Steve A. Billings

·        Blair and Associates, Inc.

·        Dr Vadim Biktashev (Liverpool) and Dr Vadim Biktashev (Leeds)

·        Prof. Dave Broomhead

·        Dr. Reggie Brown

·        Dr. Robert J. Butera, Jr.

·        Prof. Jeff Cash

·        Prof. Leon O. Chua

·        Dr Richard Clayton

·        Prof. James P. Crutchfield

·        Dr Cees Diks

·        Prof. Mingzhou Ding

·        Prof. Jean-Pierre Eckmann

·        Prof. William Ditto

·        Prof. William Firth

·        Prof. Andrew M. Fraser

·        Prof. Peter Grassberger

·        Prof. Celso Grebogi

·        Prof. Ernst Hairer

·        Prof. Hermann Haken

·        Prof. Robert G. Harrison

·        Prof. Arun Holden

·        Dr. Kevin Judd

·        Prof. Holger Kantz

·        Dr. Daniel Kaplan

·        Prof. Jim Keener

·        Dr. Matthew B. Kennel

·        Dr. Gregory P. King

·        Prof. Eric Kostelich

·        Prof. Roberto André Kraenkel

·        Dr. Dimitris Kugiumtzis

·        Prof. Jurgen Kurths

·        Prof. Werner Lauterborn

·        Prof. Blake LeBaron

·        Prof. Ying Cheng Lai

·        Prof. Gottfried Mayer-Kress

·        Prof. John G. McInerney

·        Prof. Alistair Mees

·        Prof. Fedor Mitschke

·        Prof. Jerome V. Molonery

·        Prof. Jesper Mork

·        Prof. Frank Moss

·        Prof. Tom Mullin

·        Prof. Alan C. Newell

·        Prof. Edward Ott

·        Dr. Ulrich Parlitz

·        Dr. Deborah V. Pence

·        Prof. M. Hashem Pesaran

·        Faculty, Prof. M Hashem Pesaran

·        Prof. Gern Pfister

·        Prof. Itamar Procaccia

·        Dr Michael T Rosenstein or Old Web Site

·        Prof. Rajarshi Roy, now at Maryland

·        Prof. Mark Saffman

·        Prof. Tim Sauer

·        Prof. Steven J. Schiff

·        Dr. Thomas Schreiber

·        Propf. H G Schuster

·        Prof. K. Alan Shore

·        Prof. James E. Skinner

·        Dr. Leonard Smith

·        Dr. John C. Sommerer

·        Dr. Jaroslav Stark

·        Prof. Floris Takens

·        Prof. Malvin C. Teich

·        Dr. James Theiler

·        Prof. Howell Tong

Prof. H. Tong has accepted the Chair of Statistics at the London School of Economics

·                                 Dr. Eugene R. Tracy

·                                 Prof. Charles L. Webber Jr. -TREND

·                                 Prof. Arthur T. Winfree

·                                 Prof. James A. Yorke

·                                 Dr. Dejin Yu

·                                 Dr. Joe Zbilut

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Other links

1.      Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics

2.      Santa Fe Institute

3.      StatLib Index

4.      UK Data Archive

5.      MIT-BIH Database distribution

6.      Nick Tufillaro's archive

7.      US Macro Series

8.      World Bank

9.      NAFTAnet International Trade

10.  The United States International Trade Commission


12.  United Nations Home Page

13.  The Data Archive. BIRON 4.1

14.  Standard Life, UK

15.  The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

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Page is maintained by Nadezhda Kotova





Department of Physics
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Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
EH14 4AS, United Kingdom

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