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Our Research   >  Stimulated Scattering Phenomena Group




Nonlinear Optics and Laser Physics:
Stimulated Scattering Phenomena in Optical Fibre

Stimulated scattering, Raman, Brillouin and Raleigh are cornerstone phenomena in nonlinear optics.  Massive progress in optical fibre technology of the last decade has resulted in a resurgence of interest in these processes for both fundamental science and applications, not least in the opto-electronic and telecommunication industry.  This has been an area of experimental and theoretical research by our group for a number of years.  A landmark in the field was the generation of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) under CW-pumping made possible by long interaction lengths and small cross section areas of optical fibre.  This led to radical new insight into the physics of SBS, showing it to be generically unstable exhibiting stochastic and rich deterministic temporal (single-mode) and spatio-temporal (multi-mode) behaviour.  In theory, inclusion of nonlinear refraction in the description of SBS was shown to be key in accounting for many of these findings.

More recently this activity addresses new fundamental issues, among these the  discovery that the spectrum of SBS Stokes emission in optical fibre is inhomogeneous exhibiting characteristic spectral broadening and hole burning (see Figure).  Significantly it is shown to be a generic property of the waveguiding nature of this interaction in fibre and therefore may be a universal property of nonlinear parametric nonlinear processes in guided media.  Another, concerns the mechanisms by which determinism evolves from stochastic processes, which is today one of the major unresolved questions in the field of nonlinear systems.  Our recent discovery of coherence resonance in SBS may offer a key to this issue.  In multi- mode fibre we also address transverse nonlinear coupling of SBS modes, recent work showing this to give rise to spiral wave formations and defect mediated turbulence in the SBS emission.  In applications, our work researches SBS lasing and the mode locking capability of fibre based SBS with feedback as a converter of CW radiation into pulse-trains for the opto-electronics and telecommunications technology.

Figure: RF spectra of Stokes radiation at different levels of normalised pump power N = 1.1 (a), 1.5 (b), 5.4(c), and 10 (d).

Research areas:

·        Nonlinear dynamics of SBS

·        Multi-mode nonlinear coupling of SBS

·        Stochastic origin of SBS and Coherence Resonance

·        Inhomogeneous spectral broadening of SBS

·        Application: SBS lasers and CW to pulse train converter

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Department of Physics
School of EPS
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
EH14 4AS, United Kingdom

Tel: +44(0) 131 451 3025

Last Updated: 19/05/2006 13:57

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