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Our Research   >  Stimulated Scattering Phenomena Group





Nonlinear Optics and Laser Physics:
Coherence Resonance and Excitability in Optical Systems

Coherence Resonance in Optical Systems

This program researches through experiment and theory the phenomena of noise induced ordering of the temporal behaviour of nonlinear systems.  In contrast with linear systems, for which noise normally reduces their regular output characteristics, in nonlinear systems the effect of noise may paradoxically result in increased coherence, amplification, signal-to-noise ratio as well as new more ordered regimes or structures.  Coherence Resonance (CR) is a new phenomenon, which has been recently shown to underlie such behaviour. In optics evidence of this has recently been observed in a laser diode with optical feedback by imposing noise on this system.  More generally in nonlinear optics there are however many interactions in which noise is an intrinsic initiating process from which deterministic and ordered behaviour evolves.  Stimulated scattering is a paradigm of such interactions, though the mechanisms by which such transitions take place have so far been largely unresolved.

In recent work our experimental observation of the phenomenon of CR in stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), excited in an optical fibre with very weak feedback, provide first evidence of CR in an autonomous noise generating process.  The scattered signal displays stochastic dynamic behaviour from its onset.  On increase of the pump signal a window of periodicity appears, emerging from and subsequently subsiding into the stochastic emission, dependent on the strength of the stochastic signal (see Figures).  These characteristic features of CR are currently being researched through coherency analysis of experimental time series data of the scattered emission and substantiated through numerical modeling.  Our findings provide a first clue to the origin of determinism of SBS as being a manifestation of order submerged within noise, brought out through CR.They are the basis on which this program is currently being extended to research other nonlinear processes in optics to determine universality of the phenomenon of coherence resonance in noise initiated nonlinear interactions.

Figure 1(left): Dynamic component of the Stokes signal at pump levels 2Pth (a), 4Pth (b), and 7Pth (c).  The vertical axis is Stokes intensity for each pump level in relative units (Pth is threshold pump power for SBS).
Figure 2 (right): Measure of coherence versus noise power.  Dots are mean coherence and the error bars are one standard deviation.

Excitability in Optical Systems

Excitability has long been studied as an important class of dynamical phenomenon in biological and chemical systems.  In local regions, an excitable system exhibits a long excursion (pulse) in phase space for a super-threshold perturbation, the magnitude and width of such a pulse being independent of this perturbation.  For spatially extended systems, excitability underlies wave propagation and formations, such as cardiac muscle and nerve wave fronts and spirals under the FitzHugh-Nagumo model and chemical excitation waves in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction.  However, it is only recently that excitable features have been revealed in nonlinear systems that have physical mechanisms different from those of biological and chemical interactions, such as in liquid crystals and most recently an injected laser.

In our recent work, we have established an optical cavity containing two-level medium to be excitable.  We show that its excitable behaviour occurs in a small parameter window close to a bistable operating region and is attributable to the combined dynamical effects of nonlinear intracavity field saturation and temperature-dependent field absorption in the medium on two different time scales.  We argue that such excitability may be experimentally realized in popular optical bistable devices.  Possible applications of optical excitability are discussed.

For a spatially extended system, we have shown that finite external excitation can lead to a travelling wave in one-dimensional transverse space.  We have studied the excitable behaviour of this system inn parallel with that of its diffusive counterpart and shown the effect s of optical phase on the travelling-wave solution and its velocity.  In two-dimensional space we have observed numerically rotating optical spiral waves evolving from a truncated wave front.

Figure: Evolution of a truncated wavefront to spirals in spatially extended 2D optical system.

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Department of Physics
School of EPS
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
EH14 4AS, United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0) 131 451 3025

Last Updated: 19/05/2006 13:57

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