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Our Research   >  Stimulated Scattering Phenomena Group





Nonlinear Optics and Laser Physics:
Optical Fibre Phase Conjugation

It has been known since the early 70’s that stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), through its self-phase conjugate (SPC) properties, provides an effective means for beam clean up of moderate to high power pulsed lasers.  Optical fibre technology has opened up the new possibility for extending the method of SPC through SBS to CW laser sources.  This offers an attractive approach for generating power scalable, diffraction limited outputs based on rugged and inexpensive state of the art fibres.  Our group pioneered this field with the successful demonstration of high fidelity, polarised SPC of CW and also long pulse laser radiation in multi mode optical fibre, and from this the generation of diffraction limited output in a test of principle CW Nd:YAG master oscillator/power amplifier (MOPA).  These developments are the basis for now taking our research through, in collaboration with QinetiQ, to a real application of this new technology for beam clean up of a high power diode pumped Nd:YAG MOPA, and extension of the technology to the new and challenging areas of high power all-diode and all-fibre MOPAs.

The motivation of this work is for the development of these sources for broad ranging industrial applications: material processing, communication and remote sensing, visual displays and large screen projection, to name a few.  Specific to material processing, high power diffraction limited beam quality is critical for efficient and high-resolution laser cutting and drilling.  On the other hand multi-watt diffraction limited sources from all-diode and fibre laser systems are key to future optical communication and opto-electronic technology.

Most recently we have discovered the phenomenon of spectral phase self-conjugation in SBS. This work has shown it to be a generic property of stimulated scattering and is the direct spectral/temporal counterpart  to spatial  phase conjugation, considered above. It offers a unique means of restoring temporal coherence of optical radiation.


Research areas:

·        Power-scaling capability of fibre SPC mirror.

·        Application of fibre SPC mirror for beam clean-up of

o       high power (~ kW) diode pumped Nd:YAG MOPA system (with QinetiQ).

o       multi-watt CW all-diode MOPA.

o       multi-watt CW all-fibre MOPA.

·        Fundamentals of spectral self  phase conjugation.

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Department of Physics
School of EPS
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
EH14 4AS, United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0) 131 451 3025

Last Updated: 19/05/2006 13:57

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