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Copyright (C) 1999
Nonlinear Dynamics Group at Heriot-Watt University and Computational Biology Group at University of Leeds

Nonlinear Analysis of Ventricular Fibrillation

Nonlinear Analysis of Simulated ECGs of Ventricular Fibrillation

--The temporal evolution of ventricular fibrillation revealed with Poincare sections

Michael Smalla, Dejin Yua, Robert G. Harrisona, Richard Claytonb and Arun Holdenb

aNonlinear Dynamics Group at Heriot-Watt University
bComputational Biology Group at University of Leeds

We apply a new version of the Poincare section technique to simulated and clinically recorded ECG data during ventricular fibrillation and observe similar structural features in both groups. For computational simulations of ventricular fibrillation in ``heart-like'' tissue, we are able to successively reconstruct equivalent dynamics from each of three independent scalar time series, for each of three distinct simulations. Hence we conclude that ECG pad placement is not critical for this technique. As we observe similar dynamical time dependence in both simulated and clinical data we conclude that the simulation (Fitz-Hugh Nagumo dynamics in a cuboid caricature of the myocardium) exhibits dynamic features qualitatively similar to real ventricular fibrillation. Quantitative similarity has previously been observed.

1. Poincare Sections

A reconstruction of dynamics is required from the observed time series data prior to nonlinear analysis. Let xt (t = 1, 2, 3, ..., N) be a scalar time series (one of the pseudo-ECG observables, or the scalar ECG measured by a defibrillator), one chooses a ``suitable'' values of T (delay time) and de (embedding dimension) and reconstructs the underlying dynamics according to the map (Taken's embedding theorem)

Xt = (xt, xt-T, xt-2T,..., xt-(de-1)T)

Thus a vector series Xt (t = 1, 2, 3, ..., N-(de-1)T) is reconstructed.

A simple Poincare section can be obtained in the following way. Let H be a hyper-surface in a de-dimensional space Rde (H is (de-1)-dimensional), such that H intersects Xt, and all intersections of Xt and H are orthogonal. Let s1, s2, ... ... be the times that Xt intersects H in a particular direction (every second intersection). Then the Poincare section is a plot of Xsi vs. Xsi+1 and the first return map is the nonlinear function relating Xsi to Xsi+1. Figure 1 illustrates the construction of a first return map from intersection of a trajectory Xt and a hyper-surface H.

Figure 1: A schematic representation of the computation of a first return map, and temporal colour-coded Poincare section. The trajectory x(t) (in black) intersects the surface H (in blue, on the left) at x(s1), x(s2), and x(s3). We examine the relative position, ordering and structure of the points x(si) on a projection of H (on the right).

The method of Poincare sections is usually applied to experimental time series by examining interspike intervals (e.g. RR intervals) or successive amplitudes (i.e. peak-trough values). However, these techniques are somewhat limited. In the following, we introduce a new version of Poincare section, apply this new technique to analyse simulated ECG signals and compare with clinical recordings of VF. To this end, we select a vector W from Rde, and project Zt onto W. Let

Wt = ProjWZt = W.Zt/||W||

and calculate s1, s2, ... ... as the time when Wt has a local maximum. The Poincare time series is then Xsi (i = 1, 2, ..., k). Potentially one may define the Poincare series to be multiple components of Zsi (i = 1, 2, ..., k), but with a careful choice of W the first component is often sufficient. 

2. Simulated and Clinical VF ECG data

We use two sets of data in this study. The first are computational simulations of electrical wave propagation and the second set of data are recorded from defibrillators on board ambulances.

1) Simulated ECG data

We used a cuboid of 100 x 100 x 50 units with Fitz-Hugh Nagumo excitability (diffusion coefficient 1, beta = 0.75, gamma = 0.50, and epsilon = 0.30 ) to produce a numerical caricature of re-entrant waves in the myocardium. We solved the three dimensional cable equations for the excitation variable u and the recovery variable v (time step of 0.03 time units, space step of 0.50 space units). A typical snapshot of the excitation variable u is shown in figure 2 (left panel).

In each case we computed the pseudo-ECG Ex,y,z along each of the coordinate axes as a weighted average of the gradient of u:

Ex = SUM [u(i-1,0,0) - u(i,0,0)]/i

Ey = SUM [u(0,j-1,0) - u(0,j,0)]/j

Ez = SUM [u(0,0,k-1) - u(0,0,k)]/k

where sums are taken over i = 2, ..., 100, j = 2, ..., 100 and k = 2, ..., 50. Each simulation consists of a vector time series Ex, Ey and Ez of 5000 points sampled at 0.03 time units. Three simulated ECGs are shown in figure 2 (right panel).

Figure 2: (Left) A snapshot of the excitation variable u during one of computational simulations of multiple reentry waves in cuboid of ``heart-like'' tissue. (Right) Three components of one simulation. The Ex, Ey, and Ez component are shown here. This simulation was initiated with a single, bent, spiral wave. The vertical axis is datum number, the horizontal axis is arbitrary but equal in each case. Note that each of the three components appear, visually, quite distinct.

2) Clinical ECG data

Episodes of ventricular fibrillation and response to defibrillation shocks were recorded by a Laerdal defibrillator on board ambulances in the Norwegian ambulance service. Data was recorded at a frequency of 100 Hz and a resolution of 8 bits. In the previous study, each data set was then classified according to the dominant rhythm; (1) Pulse (sinus rhythm), (2) No pulse, (3) Isoelectric (Asystole), (4) Non-continuous ventricular fibrillation, and (5) Continuous ventricular fibrillation. The length of recording (typically 20 - 60 seconds) in each case varies, but in general it corresponds to the period from the end of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation until the next defibrillation shock. The period proceeding the first shock or subsequent to the last may also be recorded. In some recordings interference from CPR is noticeable at the start of the recording (these time series have been excluded from this study).

From 836 recordings of 108 subjects we selected 47 recordings from 14 subjects on the basis of length of recording, digital resolution and lack of noise and artifacts for further analysis. Results for these 47 data sets are described in this study.

Figure 3: Three clinical recordings from a Laerdal defibrillator on board a Norwegian ambulance. Three patients are: a) h104cmbw1s1, b) h383cmbw2s2, and c) h282cmbw5s4. Note that panel a) and c) exhibit no obvious time dependent features in there dynamics, panel b) does.

3. Results

1) Simulated VF

Each of the three simulated ``pseudo-ECG'' time series we generated mimics the break down of spiral waves during the initiation of VF. Figure 2 shows one of the simulated recordings. Figure 4 shows the Poincare sections estimated from the data of figure 2. The qualitative features in each reconstruction are identical -- the orientation and proportion is different for each reconstruction, but the shape is essentially the same. That is, these three reconstructions share the same topology. The dynamics in each case are clearly equivalent.

Furthermore the dynamics revealed here are clearly time dependent. The initial first return map is basically ``L'' shaped, this corresponds to a stage when substantial organisation is still present in the simulation (coloured in blues). The first return map dynamics then change to the regions coloured in light blues through to light oranges. Finally, a third distinct region is evident in the part of the first return map coloured red. These same three distinct regions may be observed in each of these three reconstructions from three linearly independent time series (Ex, Ey, and Ez).

Note that different choice of projection vector W will yield substantially different results. We have selected one of the dominant eigenvectors as this yields good results for this data. However, different choice of vector will produce different, equally correct, results. We are simply selecting the two dimensional view that shows, most clearly, the features we wish to emphasise.

These calculations have also been conducted for the other two simulations described above. Similar results were obtained for this data. In each case the three components (Ex, Ey, and Ez) produced equivalent results. Furthermore, the same broad features were observed in each simulation. The results we have presented in figure 4 are representative.

Figure 4: Estimated Poincare sections for the data illustrated in figure 2. From left to right, we have illustrated the reconstructed Poincare sections for Ex, Ey, and Ez. The Poincare intersections are ordered and coloured according to that ordering. The ordering is the same from figure to figure, but as the reconstruction in each case is different the exact number of Poincare intersections (and therefore the exact colouration) is not the same. In each set of panels, the top panel is the 2 dimensional embedding (first return map) of successive scalar Poincare sections, shown (as a time series) in the lower panel. The choice of embedding parameters (de and T) is given below each panel.

2) Actual VF timeseries

In this section we present the results of the estimation of some first return maps for clinically recorded data (section 2.2). The main point we wish to emphasise here is that some of these data sets exhibit features that are qualitatively similar to the results in section 3.1 (figure 4). We do not claim to observe the same features in all the clinical data set, nor do we claim to provide a clinically significant discriminant. We only wish to demonstrate that the computational simulations, and real ventricular fibrillation share some common, non-trivial, features.

Figure 5 shows three dynamical reconstruction from the clinical recordings in three different subjects, depicted in Figure 3. Two of these data sets exhibit obvious similarities to the results obtained for the computational simulations, the third (figure 5, panel c) exhibits more subtle time dependent dynamics in the first returns map. Panels a) and b) exhibit not only the characteristic ``L'' shape of the first return maps, as in figure 4, but also three separate phases in the dynamics. In panel a) of figure 5, these are coloured dark blue, light blue to green, and orange to red, respectively. In panel b) the dark blue and red phases seem to coincide, marking a return to the initial dynamics late in the time series. The intermediate phase however is distinct (coloured light blue) and similar to the second and third phases in the computational simulations. In figure 5, panel c) has less obvious time dependent structure, the dark blue points are arranged in a vague ``L'' shape. The light blue to green, and orange to read points are approximately diagonal (and perpendicular to one another).

We applied these techniques to 47 recordings from 14 subjects, each with a variety of embedding parameters (de, T, and W). Of these, 28 recordings from 13 subjects exhibited some time dependent dynamics in the first return map. Some of these dynamics changes were fairly obvious and may have been observed directly from the time series, some of them were fairly subtle. Many of the time series were particularly short making discrimination a difficult and possibly subjective task. However, the results presented in figure 5 are typical. Figure 5 panel a) is a definite positive results, panel b) is perhaps more borderline, and panel c) is perhaps the most subtle of the positive results.

Figure 5: Estimated Poincare sections for the three time series illustrated in figure 3. Panels a), b), and c) of this figure correspond, respectively, to panels a), b), and c) of figure 3. The Poincare intersections are ordered and coloured according to that ordering. The ordering is the same from figure to figure, but as the time series are recordings of separate events, the exact number of Poincare intersections (and therefore the exact colouration) is not the same. In each set of panels, the top panel is the 2 dimensional embedding (first return map) of successive scalar Poincare sections, shown (as a time series) in the lower panel. The choice of embedding parameters (de and T) is given below each panel. Panel a) and b) exhibit obvious similarities to the Poincare sections represented in figure 4. Panel c) exhibits no obvious time dependence and stands in stark contrast to the other results.

4. Concluding remarks

Our calculations with computational simulations of the electrocardiogram during ventricular fibrillation demonstrate the method of first return maps, as described in this paper, may be applied to clinical data and produce results that are independent of the exact placement of ECG pads on the torso. Furthermore, we observed three distinct phases in the temporal evolution of the computational simulations. These phase correspond to three stages in the spiral wave break up; from a single meandering spiral to multiple wavelets.

Furthermore, we observed in clinical data sets recorded in humans during naturally occurring ventricular fibrillation, topological features similar to those observed in the simulations. Hence we are able to conclude that the dynamics of the simulated ECG are qualitatively similar to those observed in reality.

As this technique detects the degree of organisation of spiral waves in the myocardium, this may offer a useful technique to estimate the degree of organisation or degeneracy from a single lead ECG in a clinical setting. Moreover, this technique offers a method which is not only independent of the placement of the ECG pad, but is also robust for short and noisy time series. 



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