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Nonlinear Optics and Laser Physics:
Slow Light via Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Optical Fibre



Recently it has been established that the alteration of the propagation velocity of light pulses by light, i.e. so called “slow light” phenomenon, offers the possibility to develop systems such  as optical delay lines, optical buffers, optical equalizers and signal processors. These devices can be used to build transparent all-optical networks, that will undoubtedly be the future of telecommunication systems.

One of the most actively investigated technique to achieve “slow” light is based on the nonlinear effect of stimulated Brillouin scattering. In this process a Stokes shifted scattered wave is amplified in an optically transparent medium by parametric coupling with an incident (pump) wave and a material (acoustic) wave in the medium. Here the gain profile and its associated dispersion are used to achieve high group index of optical pulses. For generating slow light, a pump signal, usually continuous wave is used to prime the gain process which is probed by a counter-propagating pulsed signal tuned to the Stokes frequency. Along with obvious device compatibility, there are several other advantages of this approach for optical communications systems: the slow-light resonance can be created at any wavelength by changing the pump wavelength; the use of optical fibre allows for long interaction lengths and thus low powers for the laser beams, the process is run at room temperature, it is simple and easy to handle, besides off the shelf telecom equipment can be used, and SBS works in the fibers entire transparency range and in all types of fibers.

This combined theoretical and experimental program addresses the fundamentals of slow light generation in fiber-based SBS along with its application for data rate transmission at Gb/s rates for telecommunications. Specifically such high data rates will take advantage of the phenomenon of waveguide induced spectral broadening. Through this phenomenon the spectral bandwidth of SBS may be broadened to GHz in conventional fiber  and to tens of GHz on photonic crystal fiber, the latter of which is developed by the group of Prof. Knight at Bath University, our collaborators on this program. Fundamental issues address the implications of the built-up time of SBS on slow light, the role of spontaneous Brillouin scattering and its amplification on invoking controllable delay in slow light and the basic science of SBS in photonic crystal fibers. In experiments we use  frequency-stabilized CW-Nd:YAG lasers as the workhorse for generating for generating slow light via SBS in this fiber systems.


Research areas:

·        Nonlinear dynamics of SBS

·        Multi-mode nonlinear coupling of SBS

·        Stochastic origin of SBS

·        Inhomogeneous spectral broadening of SBS

·         Application: all-optical networks.


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Department of Physics
School of EPS
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
EH14 4AS, United Kingdom

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Last Updated: 19/05/2006 13:57

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