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Nonlinear Optics and Laser Physics:
Intense Field Interactions

Multilevel radiation interactions:

In nonlinear optics the interaction of optical waves with matter is commonly described by Schrodinger equation of quantum mechanics as long as the initial state of the system is known.  In general, apart from simple two or three level, the wave equation of motion cannot be solved exactly for physical systems of interest.  For this reason the perturbation expansion technique was developed and from this the dressed atom approach for dealing with such simple interactions in the limit of a single strong field.  However the problem remains unresolved even for these level systems when all fields are strong or for more complex systems such as resonant or near-resonant excitation of multi-level systems by a single strong laser field.

This theoretical work addresses this problem through an alternative approach, which extends conventional perturbation theory to accommodate arbitrary field strengths by introducing the concept of self-regulated partitioning of the Hamiltonian.  The treatment gives a clear physical insight into field-induced splitting of the states, called here partially dressed states, and also accounts for the transition of energy between the states.  In general these states are characterised by the strength and form of the field-matter interaction and determined by comparison with density -matrix analysis.  Using these states as base states, this theory allows for a perturbation-expansion analysis for arbitrary interaction strength.  This treatment is being developed to provide an analytic basis for describing multilevel radiation interactions, a simple example being its application to third harmonic generation in atoms.

Lasing without inversion:

Lasing without population inversion is at first site a paradox and yet in recent years a variety of schemes have been proposed and today the field is a most active area of quantum optics.  Popular three level schemes have been analysed in which this phenomenon arises from either phase-dependent quantum interference or electro-magnetically induced interference in lifetime-broadened systems.  While for both systems a coherent pump is required to drive the systems, additional pumps, coherent or incoherent, are also required either for coherent coupling of the levels or for redistribution of the thermal population, respectively.

In this work we research through theory, lasing without inversion in a V system driven by a single pump field, the simplest system considered to date in terms of both the level scheme and its interaction with the optical field.  Here the role of the single optical field is both to drive the system and, more significantly, to modify the states with which it interacts.  The latter through state splitting, forms a coherent coupled pair of states which can result in a trapped state, similar to that formed by a degenerate or near- degenerate pair of real ground-state levels in the more familiar schemes.  This is the underlying physical mechanism responsible for lasing without inversion in this scheme.  Results of our model description so far show lasing without inversion to occur for a broad range of laser intensities dependant on the relaxation rates and photon degeneracy parameters of the system.

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Department of Physics
School of EPS
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
EH14 4AS, United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0) 131 451 3025

Last Updated: 19/05/2006 13:57

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